Zheleznovodsk City History Museum
   Photo: city of Zheleznovodsk Museum of Local History

Zheleznovodsk City History Museum - public cultural institution, founded in 1983. The museum is located in the street Lermontov 3. For the visitors the museum was opened in 1988, although his first exhibition entitled "Zheleznovodsk and zheleznovodchane during the Great Patriotic War" was already open 1985

Funding from the state was not, so the museum opened on a voluntary basis. But soon after opening it became a state. The museum has about 15,940 items, of which 12 885 items of fixed assets.

To date, the museum houses a large number of exhibits related to the history of this region - from ancient times to the present. The first room is devoted to the Discoveries healing springs Zheleznovodsk - Dr. F. Haas, A. Nezlobinskomu mining engineer and Professor A. Nelyubin. Also on display are personal items, books, photos man who played a key role in the development of the city as a health resort - Dr. Smirnov.

The second section of the museum entitled "Archaeology" opens exhibition of valuable exhibits, confirming that in this area the ancient tribes lived - Sarmatians, Scythians, Alans. Here you can see everyday objects, weapons, tools for agriculture, and more. Of particular interest is a collection of axes, knives and other metal products of the time.

Special attention in the city Zheleznovodsk Museum of Local History is one of the exhibits - during excavation were found ancient burial Koban culture, where in one of the tombs of stone slabs was found lying skeleton warrior. Next to the soldier were also found weapon - a knife, a quiver of arrows, spear. In addition, at the head of the warrior he was a ceramic bowl.

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