Museum of History and Culture of Northern Peoples. EAT. Yaroslavl
   Photo: Museum of History and Culture of Northern Peoples. EAT. Yaroslavl

Museum of History and culture of the peoples of the north named EM Yaroslavl - this is the first public cultural, educational and scientific institution in the territory of Yakutia.

The decision to create the museum was made in March 1887 Yakut regional statistical committee at the initiative of Popov. In June, 1891 in one of the shops Gostiny Dvor the opening of the first museum. The founders of the museum decided that the main task of the museum should become a collection and preservation of collections of the most rare items and works of human nature Yakutsk region for local residents and visitors can become more familiar with the local culture and nature.

In 1909-1911 gg. through public initiative, donated money to the merchants Nikiforov, F. Astrakhantseva and other wealthy locals, was built two-storey building. On one floor constructed building housed a library, while the second - a museum. Ordered the museum's collection and the creation of the exhibition involved politssylnye A. Kuznetsov and E. Yaroslavsky. On the eve of the Revolution museum fund it consisted of 19 thousand. Units systematized exhibits.

In 1924 the museum was named after E. Yaroslavsky. Until 1978, the museum carried the status of local lore. When it was created Yakut State Museum of History and Culture of the North named after E. Yaroslavsky, where regional museum came as a major institution. In 2004 the museum was added to the annex, with the result that some of its exhibition area expanded.

The main museum collections are divided into four parts: historical, ethnographic, natural and archaeological. The museum acquaints visitors with a variety of rocks and minerals, flora and fauna of Yakutia, talks about the culture of indigenous peoples of the North, the religious beliefs, customs, ceremonies and traditions. The museum presents a unique skeletons and stuffed animals different. Here you can see the skeletons of the bowhead whale and mammoth Tirehtyahskogo and stuffed bighorn sheep and the Amur tiger.

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