The memorial complex "Island Lyudnikov"
   Photos: Memorial complex "Island Lyudnikov"

The memorial complex "Island Lyudnikov" in Volgograd is located near the village of Nizhny plant "Barricades". Place in the memorial complex was chosen not by chance, it was here in 1942 to keep the defense 138th Red Banner Rifle Division under Colonel II Lyudnikov.

In October 1942, the 6th German army went on the offensive, using more than one thousand military aircraft of the 4th Air Force Luftwaffe, two armored and three infantry divisions. The main blow was aimed at the plant "Barricades" and Tractor Plant. To reinforce the Soviet troops, who defended in the area of ​​the plant "Barricades" and the village on the right bank of the Volga River transported 138 th Infantry Division of Colonel I. Lyudnikov. In October 1942, the division crossed the Volga, where she took the defense of the village.

November 11, German troops occupied the southern part of the plant and on the site about 500 m wide broke through to the Volga. Our soldiers for 40 days fighting against overwhelming odds, holding a beachhead area of ​​700 x 400 m. In December 1942, the blockade was eliminated from the south.

Today "Lyudnikov Island" - a memorial complex, which consists of several separate memorials and monuments. In 1955 was a stele with a bronze plaque. Also, as a memorial sign used saved the ruins of the house where he lived the director of the plant "Barricades". It was here at the time was the command post of the division posted. In 1948, installed on a wall plaque, and in 1975 was placed in front of the ruins of the memorial sign. On the banks of the Volga River is a monument erected in honor of signalers 138th Infantry Division.

About the fierce battles that took place in the "Islands Lyudnikov" of courage and heroism of the defenders of the bridgehead resemble three mass graves. Here it was buried the soldiers of the 138th Infantry Division. In one of the mass graves are buried more than 1,000 dead soldiers.

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