St. Basil's Cathedral
   Photo: St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral in Vitebsk - monument of architecture of the XIX century. Now - the main Orthodox church in the city.

At the site of the cathedral in 1758 a wooden church was built for Trinitarian monks. In 1821 on the site of a wooden church was built a stone church in the classical style. Near the church was built two-storey stone building for the monks. In 1831, the monks Trinitarians were expelled from Vitebsk, and the monastery was abolished. In an empty building at first tried to open an orphanage, and then transferred to a former church at the women's prison.

In 1858-1865, on the initiative of a merchant of the first guild Gregory Volkovich and donated it means Catholic church was rebuilt in the Orthodox Church, and consecrated in honor of the Holy Virgin. Serious reconstruction was carried out of the church for the anniversary of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty in 1913. Updated temple shone with fresh frescoes, new gable and a new dome.

With the arrival of the Bolsheviks in 1930 in Vitebsk it was closed all the churches. The newly opened churches during the Nazi occupation. The people were so touched that he went to the newly opened church in tears. In the temple of Vitebsk museum of atheism were brought relics of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk.

During the fighting for the liberation of Vitebsk from the occupation, the building was badly damaged. Until the 1980s Vitebsk "decorated" gradually crumbling ruins of the Pokrovsky Cathedral. From 1986 to 1990 there was a thorough reconstruction of the temple. On the feast of the Holy Virgin in 1990, it held its first worship service.

Now at the temple are sewing workshop, icon painting workshop, Sunday school, sisterhood, library, refectory.

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