Vinales Valley
   Photo: Valley of Viñales

  Viñales made world famous province of Pinar del Rio, as was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in many respects .  Amazing scenery with a rich landscape, a vast system of caves and springs of mineral waters, unusual rock formations "Mogotes", a lot of traces of prehistoric settlements, Plantation best worldwide tasty black tobacco - all of this makes the area of ​​the Valley of Viñales unique place, where eager tourists and travelers from all corners of the earth .  Valley Area - 132 sq km, due to the extraordinary wealth of flora and fauna she was awarded the status of a national natural monument of the country .  It is the most striking example of karst valleys in the whole of Cuba .  From flat and level ground grow unusual cliffs, some reaching a height of 400 m .  They are called "Mogotes" .  It is believed that the age of the amazing limestone formations reaches 160 million .  years .  Locals call the rock "back of an elephant" .  As already mentioned, the flora is the pride of the valley .  Here are the various types of fruit, ornamental and medicinal plants: tree Ceiba, caiman oak, unusual palm Mycrocycas calocoma, which is considered a living legacy of the Jurassic period .  These rare plants collected in the botanical garden Casa de Caridad, which is in the northeastern part of the valley .  During the harvest here tourists are treated to delicious local fruits .  Another attraction of the Valley "Prehistoric mural" .  On a cliff 120 meters in bright colors depict prehistoric animals and people .  The idea of ​​Celia Sanchez implemented the Cuban artist Leovihildo Gonzalez, who was a disciple of the famous Mexican Diego Rivera . 

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