Palazzo Chiericati
   Photo: Palazzo Chiericati

Palazzo Chiericati - Renaissance palace in Vicenza, built by the architect Andrea Palladio. Customer construction, which began in 1550, the year was the Count Girolamo Chiericati and the last stage of construction works was in charge of his son, Valerio. Finally, the construction of the Palazzo was completed only in 1680, the year under the guidance of architect Carlo Borella.

The palace was built in the so-called Piazza del Isola (today Piazza Matteotti), which at that time housed cattle and wood markets. In the mid-16th century the area was a small island surrounded by the waters of the rivers and retronym bacchiglione, and in order to protect the building from flooding, Palladio placed him on a dais. Access to the palace was carried out on a triple staircase in classical style. The main facade of the Palazzo consists of three parts: the central part protrudes slightly and has a covered balcony and two outer are decorated with loggias on the "piano nobile". Another decoration of the facade are two rows of aligned columns - Doric and Ionic upper lower. The roof is remarkable sculpture group.

In 1855, the year of the Palazzo Chiericati located City Museum, and later - the Municipal Art Gallery, where the works are stored today, Tintoretto, Tiepolo, Cima da Conegliano, Van Dyck and of Palladio. International recognition of the structure of Palladio received in 1994, when it was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, along with other creations of the great architect in Vicenza. By the way, he was also the author of the Palladian country residence Chiericati family - the same villa.

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