Church of San Marco Ying San Girolamo
   Photo: Church of San Marco Ying San Girolamo

Church of San Marco Ying San Girolamo - Baroque parish church in Vicenza, built in the 18th century the Discalced Carmelites. It houses a number of works of art of the early 18th century, and in the sacristy you can see the original furniture of the same period.

The church stands on the site of another religious building, built by the Jesuits in 1491, the year and dedicated to St. Jerome. From that building have survived only the bell tower and several tombstones. When in 1668, the year the Congregation of the Jesuits has been abolished, the church and convent were purchased Discalced Carmelites, which later expanded religious complex, rebuilt the church in 1720-1727-m respectively. Still later, work was completed on the interior of the temple and made altars. Flooring in white and red marble was carried out in 1745, the year.

The authorship of the project San Marco Ying San Girolamo is unknown, but is likely to work on the building several architects. The overall style of the interior resembles the work of a prominent Venetian architect Giorgio Massari. The document also mentions the name of the local native Giuseppe Stamps. Finally, assume and participate Francesco Mouton. The facade of the church was designed abbot Carlo Corbelli of Brescia and was built in 1756, the year. The building of the church, which was used from 1725, the year it was inaugurated only in 1760, the year and is dedicated to the two saints - Jerome and Teresa of Avila, the founder of the Order of Discalced Carmelites. The people, the church became known as the Chiesa degli Scalzi.

In 1810, the year of Napoleon's edict all religious orders and monasteries were abolished, and their property confiscated. At some time in the Chiesa degli Scalzi placed tobacco manufacture, and later the building was attributed to the parish of San Marco and got its present name - John San Marco San Girolamo. The external appearance of the building has remained virtually unchanged, despite a series of restorations.

The facade of the church made in baroque style and consists of two rows of Corinthian half-columns on a high pedestal. At the top of the triangular tympanum you can see the statues of the three saints. At the bottom, in the space between the half-columns, made four niches, two niches are located just above and in the center of the facade is another great niche. Inside the church it consists of a single nave and six high side chapels. Among decorate the interior of San Marco Ying San Girolamo of art is to provide a picture of Costantino Paskualotto, Sebastiano Ricci, Buffett Lodovico, Antonio Balestra and brothers Magantsa.

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