Tsukuba Botanical Garden
   Photo: Botanical Garden Tsukuba

Tsukuba - real Japanese science city. In 1962, a government commission on regional development opted for a small town in Ibaraki Prefecture and recommended the place where research center. Investments in construction amounted to 1, 3 bln. Dollars. Today, the entire town in which he lives about 150 thousand people, is a research center of global significance.

Tsukuba is located on the island of Honshu, 35 miles north-east of Tokyo. There are 47 private, public universities and research institutes of the physical, engineering and biological profile, including the University of Tsukuba Space Center, National Science Museum and Botanical Garden.

Tsukuba Botanical Garden - is not so much a tourist site, but more serious scientific institution. In its classrooms, equipped with the latest technology, conducted lessons for students, lectures for students, as well as classes for seniors who are interested in botany. Great interest in the plant world is easily explained by the Japanese traditions. One of the most common Japanese religions - Shinto - formed from the ancient cult of the spiritualization of nature and the deification of the dead ancestors. That is why the entire population of Japan admires the cherry blossoms, caring for plants and decorates them their living space.

In the Botanical Garden of Tsukuba have protected forest area where a human foot steps only on asphalt tracks. The collection of aquatic plants each species has its own pond, lined with stone. In greenhouses with tropical plants is supported by the necessary microclimate using thoroughly thought-dampening system. The garden contains flowers, trees and shrubs from around the world, including unique. For example, microscopic Wolfe, of the family Lemnaceae. Flowers of water plants are recognized as the world's smallest - only 0, 3-0, 5 mm, and blooms, it is extremely rare, scientists consider it a miracle of nature.

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