The ruins of the castle Golshanskiy
   Photo: The ruins of the castle Golshanskiy

Golshanskiy Castle, sung by Vladimir Korotkevich as "The Black Castle Olshansky" was once the most beautiful castles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He was called the "Stone Flower mannerism." The floors were covered with ceramic tiles, windows were made of thick glass windows, the walls were painted with beautiful frescoes, and around the castle were many beautiful tiled fireplaces. Famous Golshanskiy castle was also his deep vaulted dungeons.

Golshanskiy Castle was built in 1610 for Paul Sapieha. Sapieha Halšany got as a dowry for the latest Princess Golshanskaya. The castle was a rectangular fortification, surrounded by impregnable walls forming a courtyard. In the corners it was built hexagonal tower and a five-sided in the center - with entrance gate. The castle was surrounded by ramparts and moats.

The castle was destroyed during the Great Northern War and the war against the Swedes. He completed the destruction of its last owner, velevshy blow for castle building material for the inn.

With Golshanskiy lock associated one of the most famous mystical legends of Belarus - the legend of the black monk. Once lived in the castle of the beautiful and proud Princess Hanna-Gordislava Golshanskaya. Father kept the girl in rigor so that she almost did not see any of the men - only the servants of the castle. It so happened that the girl fell in love with one of rootless young men Valyuzhinich Grzymisława of Luck, and he answered her in return. Someone informed about the secret meetings of lovers Prince Golshanskiy. Hypochondriac prince, locked his daughter in a family of strangers nest, angry and immured alive beloved princess in the castle walls. Since then, the castle Golshanskiy many times seen a ghost called the Black Monk locals - a young man, dressed in black robes, like a monk's robe walks in the ruins of the castle in the moonlight, and is looking for his beloved.

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