Sedmiozёrskaya Bogoroditskaya desert
   Photo: Sedmiozёrskaya Bogoroditskaya desert

In the suburbs Semiozёrka near Kazan is an ancient monastery, founded in October 1615 the salt shaker on the river, between the seven lakes. Sedmiozёrskaya deserts arose due monk Euphemia, which brought the icon of the Mother of God of Great Ustyug, later named the Smolensk Sedmiozёrskoy and became famous in 1654 as a miraculous, escaped from the pestilence Kazan. In memory of these events in the desert Sedmiozёrskoy Kazan was established the annual procession, which lasted until the Revolution.

Due to worship the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God in the desert began to receive generous donations, and in 1668 was elevated to the main temple of the monastery - Smolensk Cathedral (nowadays of it remained only the ruins of the basement). Earlier, in the 1640s it built the first stone church - Ascension. In the eighteenth century Sedmiozёrskaya desert was one of the richest monasteries of the Kazan diocese, along with Raifa monastery. At the turn of 19-20 centuries in Sedmiozёrskom monastery had six churches and tiered gate tower with a clock. One of the temples was built over the holy spring near the monastery.

In 1928, almost the entire ensemble Sedmiozёrskogo monastery was destroyed, and some surviving local state farm buildings used for household needs. During the return of the monastery of the Kazan diocese (1997) on the consecrated ground was only a part of the walls of a home for pilgrims, a fraternal body (1893) and a two-storey stone church in the name of St. Euphemia and St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (1889).

Today in the restored church are the relics of St. Gabriel and the list Sedmiozёrnogo revered icon of the Smolensk Mother of God Sedmiozёrnoy (the original is kept in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Kazan). It built a wooden chapel on Holy vein (a kilometer away from the monastery).

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