Archbishop's Chambers of Suzdal Kremlin
 Photo: Bishop's Chambers of Suzdal Kremlin

Ensemble episcopal court Suzdal Kremlin evolved over several centuries, from the 15th to 18th centuries. The first Chamber of bricks spiritual Suzdal Bishop appeared in the 15th century. next to the Cathedral of the Nativity. In the 16th century. a little distance was built Refectory Church of the Annunciation. And in 1635 right in front of the cathedral pillar erected octagonal belfry with a clock-chimes, in its middle tier housed the house church.

The most serious restructuring that radically changed the face of the archbishop's court, took place at Illarionov, during the period from 1682 po1707 years. Metropolitan Hilarion created almost from scratch stylistically rich and complex architectural ensemble of the bishop's court.

Bishops House is an impressive size and layout of the building complex, which combines the regular geometry and scale of the palace chambers and chamber "horomnogo structure." Construction 15. organically included in the corner, southeast enclosure. North Cross Chamber of the housing is divided into two parts, a vast courtyard, it was rebuilt at Illarionov.

Centre Court is the episcopal ensemble Cross Chamber, representing the ceremonial hall of the Bishops' goods . It is characterized by the huge size and has an area of 338 sq.m. . m . The height of the arches is 9 m . Besstolpny vault ladder half-pace, high large windows on two sides, spacious "porch" - all this makes the interior of the chamber in which it moves away from the canons of the ancient architecture and is close to the European style . North Building connected to the building at an angle with the buildings of earlier construction . On the inside - from the refectory church, restored in the forms 16 . - With vosmiskatnym coated rare in Suzdal, on the One refectory, a small dome and the beautiful arched gallery and porch covered with a tiled tent . Similarly porch decorated entrance from the bell tower . With angular body bell tower by beautiful arched gallery . Along the walls of the Chamber established oak benches that are covered, scarlet cloth, as well as window sills .

Initially Cross Chamber had radiator heating, which in the mid-18th century. They replaced the stove, and when there were patterned tiled oven. The interior is complemented with icons and portraits of the king and clergy. There are portraits of the 18th century. Alexei Mikhailovich, Feodor Alekseevich, Peter I, a ceremonial portrait of Metropolitan Hilarion 18. The Cross Chamber before hanging paintings maps (landkarty), which were necessary to Metropolitan during visits clergy. Now there are exhibits that are copies of maps in 1709 in a civil printing Moscow Vasily Kupriyanov. On the dais in the center of the Chamber established a chair bishop, chairs and a table 18 in. On the table - pens, inkwells, lartsy- "attics", sandpit, paper casket for printing books. For the church utensils, storage of books and vestments was lined shkaf- "vestry" chest decorated with lettering.

Cross Chamber - is the receiving ceremonial room where the royal decrees were read, addressed petitions, hirotonisanie happened, let's blessing. The holidays are covered tables, served meads, Rhine and sacramental wine.

The complex of buildings bishop's court was in possession of the Vladimir-Suzdal museum. The bishop's court building houses an exhibition of icons. It is located in the three halls of the Church of the Annunciation and includes 56 icons of 15-17 centuries. The icons are brought from monasteries and churches of Suzdal, Vladimir and other places of the Vladimir land. This exhibition in the chambers of Bishops opened in 1972 after a major restoration. Another restoration was carried out in 2008-2009.

Inspection begins with the premise of the refectory. Here are exhibited works of the first half of the 15th-mid-16th centuries. The exhibition opens with an icon of "Our Lady of Vladimir." In the second room contains icons mid 16-17 centuries. In the center - a rare icon of tablets that were written on both sides primed canvas.

The exposition ends with icons of the 17th century., Located in the altar area, among them - the icon of "Our Lady of Vladimir" famous icon-painter Simon Ushakov of the king (1660).

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