Peter and Paul Church
   Photo: Peter and Paul Church

The street is Zabotina Peter and Paul Church. According to the written sources, the church was built between 1891 and 1893. The history of the Church of Peter and Paul, the church is directly related to the emergence of Petropavlovsk village near the town. In these places, it was decided to establish a village, what happened after a series of tragic events of 1831, since at this time the terrible cholera epidemic has claimed many lives. Existing at the time the city cemetery could not mark in its territory as a large number of bodies, for which reason it was necessary to organize a new burial in sparsely populated areas - in the tract called Rykov.

In 1868 in the burial places of cholera patients, according to the blessing of the Right Reverend Anthony, it was built a small chapel, which, after some time, become a full-fledged temple. Construction work funded by the means of Bolotov, MI - Shumsky merchant and owner of a small area in the village.

A few years later, the village was renamed Rykovo Petropavlovsk, which corresponds to the name of the temple. Until 1876 the church was assigned to the Resurrection Cathedral, but was later found necessary funds on the formation of a separate clergy, so the church became a parish. It is believed that the church was built several unsuccessful on the issue of architectural design and capacity, so in the 90 years of the 19th century, decided to rebuild it.

In place of the dilapidated church of Peter and Paul, built a new one, which has been selected for a suitable elevated area. Construction work continued, starting from 1891 and ending with 1893. Church was consecrated Archbishop Sergius what happened October 28, 1893. The construction of the bell tower took place in 1896.

Peter and Paul Church is a small temple built in a unique architectural style. His form of several large, but the facade design is combined with the traditional Newtonian design architecture. The main quadrangle has kuboobraznuyu form that is completed octagonal curved roof with a slightly pointed tip in the central part. These adjacent reduced volumes, which are at the altar with a three-sided rectangular protruding apse and elongated, and located on the western side of the porch.

As for the facades of the quadrangle, they have a three-part composition is symmetrical, with the existing corners are fixed with the help of wide blade with vertically arranged near shirinok. Located in the center of the facade stands out with the help of a weak raskrepovka, which is limited by narrow vertical rods, as well as a break fairly wide gable eaves decorated with a variety of small belts cloves. The side fence, above the impressive size of window openings equipped with archivolt are lifted high and having a triangular shape sandriks, while in the central part of the portals it is fully consistent with a double false window having a gable top.

The decoration of the porch and the altar area make beautiful framing arched openings and equipped with teeth wide eaves, as well as having his pants angle blade.

The interior of the temple Peter and Paul can be seen a great cast iron floor and a large oven. The iconostasis is made of wood and carved, while it placed more than twenty icons painted on the background of beaten gold. It is important to note that the weight of the most impressive bells reached 160 pounds.

When Peter and Paul church acted a parish school, which is housed in a separate room.

In the 30 years of the 20th century, the church was closed, and the fence, dome and bell tower were completely lost. At the end of the 90s the church was handed over to the power of the Russian Orthodox Church, because until then it was used as a warehouse. Today the temple is actively restored, including the bell tower.

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