A monument to those killed for their faith
   Photo: The monument to those killed for their faith

In the area of ​​Green, located in the town of Shuya, Ivanovo region, is a memorial monument dedicated believers who were tragically killed during the persecution of the Church between 1920 and the 1930s. Opening of the monument took place in autumn 2007. The opening ceremony was held at the square in front of the Resurrection Cathedral in which acted Shuyskaya famous bell tower. The author of the pedestal was the People's Artist of Russia and honored sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov.

The sculpture includes figures of two priests and a little girl, and you can observe the contours of the church presented in the form of the altar area, which is fully lined with the help of granite. Directly on granite engraved with the words "New Martyrs of Russia - the grateful descendants." Necessary for the construction of a memorial monument to the funds were formed solely on the basis of voluntary donations priests, enterprises from various industries and ordinary residents who are not afraid to follow the dictates of his heart.

If you recall the historical events, which is dedicated to the monument, then today they are quite well known. 15 March 1922 the urban population represented a greater extent by the working class, entered the large central square for protection against looting of public urban Resurrection Cathedral. In order to suppress the uprising began, the city authorities decided to use military force. Thus, on unarmed people, women and children was opened machine-gun fire. It is known that as a result of the uprising were killed: Mefodiev Sergei Kalashnikov Auxentios, Nikolai Malkov and girl Anastasia. A month later, namely on May 10 this year, it was held the trial, during which they shot the priest John Christmas, Fr Paul Svetozarov layman named Peter languages.

In honor of the inauguration of the monument in memory of Russian clergy held the event, which took place within the walls of the Resurrection Cathedral where the divine liturgy was held in memory of all the people tragically murdered. After the event took place on the procession on the green areas in which territory and held the ceremony.

Just before the sculptural monument is cast in bronze pillar, which embodies in his guise of the block; it placed a plate with some excerpts from the written opinion of Lenin - that it marked the beginning of the terrible and bloody period of repression and persecution, which were directed against the believers.

During the procession was given the word of the Lord and Kineshma Ivanovo-Voznesensky Joseph. According to Joseph, all the people had to endure at the time, was a real destruction of the people. Bishop pointed out that established the monument was evidence that in modern society again come the concept of justice, goodness and rectitude. A written greeting on celebration and sent the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy.

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