   Photo: Exchange

The building, which now houses the Santiago Stock Exchange, was built in 1917 on Rue de la Bandera (street flag), in the heart of the city, designed by Chilean architect Emile Dzhekuer - one of the most interesting and productive Chilean architects of his time, author of architectural monuments Chile - Museum of Fine Arts, and the Mapocho (also located in Santiago).

The building was built on land that belonged to the nuns avgustinkam. One member of the Board of Trade in 1913, bought the land for construction. Architect Emilio Dzhekuer oversaw the construction of four years. Since the construction going on in the First World War (1914-1918 years), building materials from the category of premium received by sea from Europe to the United States, and then crossed into Chile.

Exchange Building was designed in the French Renaissance style with lots of well-balanced small parts. It has four floors and a basement. Beautiful classical facade with double columns goes out flags - this is the entrance to the stock exchange. On the roof of the dome of the building rises majestically and hours that are the true symbol of this building. Building Santiago Stock Exchange was the third building constructed in the city with a metal frame.

Due to its history and national significance, as well as having a considerable architectural value, the building was declared a national monument of Chile in 1981.

Santiago Stock Exchange - is the leading marketplace in Chile. Ranked third in Latin America. Works from November 1893, trading securities, as well as silver and gold coins.

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