Church of the Mother of God Okovetskoy
   Photo: Church of the Mother of God Okovetskoy

Church of the Mother of God Okovetskoy known since 1678. She was the center of the Coast suburb of Rzhev. Until recently, historians have just assumed that was originally a wooden church in honor of Our Lady of Okovtsy village was built on the banks of the Volga in 1758 - 1759 years. But is open historical documents confirmed this fact.

In the 17th century in Rzhev after another invasion of foreign hordes destroyed many monasteries and temples. In December 1715 the believers Zavolzhskaya party filed a petition to the king - to allow construction on land the Baptist wooden church of Our Lady of Rzhev.

In 1717, by decree of Metropolitan Stephen Egorskogo there was built a wooden church in honor of Our Lady of Rzhev. In 1719 the chapel was consecrated in honor of the Venerable. Stolbensky Nile, the other two to the throne - the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the icon of Our Lady of Rzhev remained unsanctified.

The wooden church stood on the bank of the river, where the Volga River empties Teterinsky Vrazhek.

In the 18th century the majority of wooden churches were replaced with stone. The same happened in Rzhev. The wooden church has become closer in order to accommodate all the parishioners. Therefore, in 1818 the parishioners of the church have turned to Okovetskoy Tver archbishop requested the construction of a new stone church with the same name on the Spassky area. In the same year the project was commissioned by the stone architectural complex with a chapel, a bell tower and a gatehouse. To determine the place of construction of the temple in Rzhev came Governor NS Vsevolozhsk. Construction began in 1819.

In June 1831 the construction of the temple Okovetsko-Rzhevsk icon completed. Temple took an authoritative commission of representatives of the Tver province and diocese. The church was covered with iron, wooden cross was Bound tin. The temple was plastered all. The church was constructed of carved wooden iconostasis. Icons were written in the tradition of old Russian painting.

In 1832 he was consecrated the altar and the main part. In 1834 the temple was consecrated pridelnyh St. John the Baptist and later pridelnyh temple in honor of Venerable. Nile Stolobensky.

After the Revolution, the temple Okovetsko-Rzhevsk Mother of God abolished. For a long time in his room it was located a warehouse and office hlopkopsbyta. For two decades, the temple was used for the needs of the city museum. After the building was in ruins. In a period expected to begin its restoration, but this was never done. The temple remained neglected, both inside and outside. The cultural layer inside of the building was broken and brought to the unsuitability. Only in 1991 the church building was officially handed over to the municipal authorities of the Orthodox Church.

On the restoration of the church, Archbishop of Tver and Kashin was blessed by father Constantine. Temple he went with boarded up windows with shabby frames with crumbling plaster and mountains of garbage. Walk under the bell tower was dangerous. The tightness of the dome of the temple has been broken, dripping through the cracks. We had to perform a huge amount of work to bring the church to the normal state. With the support of local businesses, and with the help of the faithful the church was restored.

The first service was held in the temple is not yet restored in 1991. Today Okovetsky temple attracts the attention of visitors from Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod, St. Petersburg. His stern majesty and clarity of architectural forms stand out from the many monuments of the provincial temple architecture of the Classical period.

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