The Dome Cathedral
   Photo: The Dome Cathedral

Riga Dome Cathedral is the symbol of Riga and one of the main attractions of the city. The date of foundation of the cathedral is considered to be July 25, 1211 - a day of St. Jacob. The founder of the Riga Dome was the bishop Albrecht von Buxhowden. The site chosen by the bishop for the erection of the temple was far beyond the monastery. Albert decided to build a cathedral on the site burned down a year ago, during a raid of foreigners, a fishing village.

At the ceremony of consecration of the place for the construction of a new church gathered all the higher clergy. St. Mary's Cathedral, and it is in her honor the bishop decided to call the temple under construction, had to hit all the luxury and splendor. It focused on her Albert won land, including the very Riga.

The construction of the church attended by all the famous Riga builders temple noted for its beauty and size, such structures until then was not there. High ceilings supported by massive columns, arches and window niches have semicircular shape. A thick walls of the church were able to protect the building during any siege.

He supervised the construction of the cathedral famous foreign masters invited from Holland and Germany. The bishop spared no expense in his creation, but he failed to live up to the moment when the construction of the cathedral was completed. His ashes were rest in an unfinished church and the cathedral had to go through many more changes.

Near by the Dome Cathedral was erected, and soon the monastery, dedicated to the Bishop of dignitaries. All the buildings are single ensemble, framed gallery facing the courtyard. Initially, in the heyday of the monastery, the gallery was used for ritual activities. Later, chapter Dome was built, which served for the meetings of church dignitaries.

Subsequently, the church was reconstructed several times and subject to change. Gradually Romanesque diluted with other architectural trends. During his years of Dome Cathedral was repeatedly exposed to destruction and attacks. During the Reformation (1524), the cathedral suffered the defeat of the previously rich interior decoration is almost nothing left.

Particularly strong Dome Cathedral suffered during a fire in 1547, which almost completely destroyed that managed to retain after the Reformation. Church suffered not only from the fire but from the water. Thus, the Dome Cathedral has repeatedly suffered from the spring waters of the Daugava, there were times when the level of water that flooded the temple reached the height of a man. The spire of the tower Dome acquired its present form only in 1776, his four reconstructed, as well as four of its lightning destroyed.

For ages 17-18 were ennobled epitaphs burial of the dead under the floor of the temple. And in the 19th century, the temple was enriched with stained glass windows, which were reflected significant moments in the life of the Cathedral. In the late 19th century, a new organ was installed instead of the old one, which was in force since the end of the XVI century. The body, which still impresses with its sound, is a landmark Duomo. Its height sostavlyaet25 meters. During its construction it was the largest organ in the world.

Over the years greatly increased the cultural layer around the cathedral, as the cathedral was indestructible for all these years, and around him and then disappeared and re-emerged a new settlement. Now, in order to get inside the church to go down the steps down, and previously had to climb up, but time does not stand still. Sama Doma church was restored in 1959 - 1962 years, it has been recreated the interior of exactly what has been more than four years ago and still under its arches sound body. Today, the monastery building houses the Museum of Riga History and Maritime Museum.

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