Swedish Gate
   Photo: Swedish Gate

Swedish Gate is a cultural monument, an architectural complex located a few houses on the street Torna in Riga, Latvia

In 1621 Riga was under Swedish rule. The Swedish occupation lasted until 1711. Naturally, the Swedish rule has left its mark in the history of Riga. At this time in the city, new building architecture: Yakovlevskoye barracks or Jacob's Barracks and the Swedish Gate that are currently among the most popular sights of Riga.

Peter I ordered to destroy Jacob's Barracks. Later in their place were built new. Swedish Gate is also the only one of the city gates which have survived almost unchanged.

Legend tells that the Swedish Gate were built in the late XVII century. A proactive and enterprising merchant Riga decided to cut through the gate to her house number 11 on the street Thorne. In this way he wanted to evade the payment of duties on goods that are imported through official Hourglass city gates. As the gates were located in his house, the merchant decided to collect tolls through them.

However, there is a more realistic version of the formation of the Swedish goal. Most likely, the city authorities, it was decided to equip the closable passage to the buildings located on the street Thorne. Therefore, new gates were hacked.

Swedish Gate become so named for two reasons: first of all, their appearance coincided with the occupation of Riga Sweden, and the second reason is that most Swedish soldiers used these gates. Soldier Yakovlevskoye houses in the barracks, which is not far from the gate. Therefore, the Swedish Gate is a kind of symbol of the era of the reign of the Swedes. At night the Swedish gate was locked on powerful bolts and guard closely monitored to ensure that no living soul could not penetrate them.

There is a legend which says about the height of a terrible plague. At this time, the city was "quarantined". One young girl tried to penetrate the Swedish Gate, to see his beloved. But the guards managed to catch her. With a girl were treated very cruelly. She was immured alive in a wall. Since then, at night from the wall heard terrible cries and moans of the unfortunate.

But not only this poor girl has become a hostage of the Swedish goal. According to another legend, the wall next to the door was bricked two lovers: Latvian girl and a Swedish officer. Their love was originally destined. After all, the laws of the Swedish officers could only marry with the girls, a Swede. Lovers ignored the rules, for which he paid with his own life.

Nowadays, this old legend allows lovers to test the sincerity of their feelings. It is necessary to go through the Swedish Gate, along with his other half. And if their feelings are as strong as the feelings of star-crossed lovers, then at midnight a couple cherished hear "I love you! "Coming from the wall.

And they say that some time in the apartment, located above the Swedish Gate, the city lived the executioner. He had a habit of "warn" about the death of Riga. The night before, he always put a window on a red rose, and all the residents knew of the impending bloody action.

In 1926, the Society of Architects of Latvia leased from the city government building with the Swedish Gate, which was rebuilt in accordance with his new appointment. The building acquired a Baroque appearance, fully coincides with the time of its occurrence. The interior of the house (tile stoves XVII-XVIII centuries, the classic and baroque ceiling, and so on) was equipped Riga architect and artist A.I.Trofimovym.

Currently the ensemble House Architects includes the house number 11, № 13 and № 15 near the Swedish Gate. In addition to the Latvian Association of Architects is a library in which you can freely enter and enrich the knowledge about the history and culture of the country.

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