Basilica of San Vitale
   Photo: Basilica of San Vitale

Basilica of San Vitale is located in Ravenna, in fact, in an architectural sense, is not a basilica. It - one of the most interesting examples of early Christian Byzantine art in Western Europe. Basilica is included in the list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

San Vitale Construction began in 527, the year when Ravenna was dominated by the Ostrogoths, and ended 20 years later, when the city was already the capital of the Exarchate of Ravenna. The name of the architect of the basilica remained unknown.

The church has the shape of an octagon, and combines elements of Romanesque architecture (the dome, shape of doorways, stacked tower) and Byzantine (polygonal apse, capitals). Of course, the main attraction is its magnificent Byzantine mosaics, the largest and best preserved outside of Constantinople (now Istanbul). In addition, it is the only church of the time of Emperor Justinian I, extant in practically unchanged.

The central part of the basilica is surrounded by two external Ambulatory - ring circuits around the apse. At the top, we intended the married women, preserved mosaics depicting scenes from the Old Testament and the symbols of the evangelists on the walls. Summary of the presbytery is decorated with mosaics depicting leaves, fruits and flowers. The apse is framed by two chapels of the basilica, which was typical of Byzantine architecture. Interestingly, dome of the basilica is inspired by the great Filippo Brunelleschi to build the dome of Florence Cathedral.

Close to San Vitale is the National Archaeological Museum of Ravenna, which stores the Roman coins, Byzantine ivory carvings, frescoes, fabrics and a collection of paintings of 17-18 centuries.

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