Monument to Prince Vseslav
   Photo: Monument to Prince Vseslav

Monument Bryacheslavichu Vseslav Polotsk is set in the center of his home town of Polotsk in 2007. The authors of the monument became a sculptor Prokhorov, Sergei Ignatyev, L. Minkevich architect Sokolov. This is the first equestrian monument in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Epics Prince Vseslav called Prophetic, the Witch and the Sorcerer, attributing to him qualities such as the ability to transform into a falcon, zolotorogogo deer or wolf.

Legends describe the different appearance of the prince born. Some say that the mother gave birth to him as a result of volhovaniya and labor took the Magi, which naprorochili him a long life, reign, many glorious deeds. Other legends say that ostensibly at Vseslav was a birthmark on his head that told him to cover the Magi rag. Third - that he was born in a shirt and a part of this shirt has always carried with him as a mascot.

Vseslav Bryacheslavich mentioned in "The Tale of Bygone Years" in the "Lay" and folk tales, where it acts as a warrior, a wizard and a werewolf.

The prince, who was born about 1029 in Polotsk rules unusually long time - 57 years. Given that the length of human life in the XI century was shorter than that of our contemporaries, it is an impressive term in office.

For all its magical glory Vseslav acts as an ardent advocate of orthodoxy. When it built St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk, he also strongly protects the Orthodox clergy and build other temples.

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