Karelian Regional Museum
   Photo: Karelian Museum of Local History

Karelian State Local History Museum is located in the center of Petrozavodsk, in the buildings, which were previously administrative - they are located in different time residence of the governor, the provincial government offices, the republican authorities of the Soviet power. This historic ensemble of the Round Square (formerly Lenin sq.), Erected in the late 18th century and is an architectural monument of federal importance, since it is the first example of urban architecture of the city in Karelia.

Local History Museum was founded in 1871 and among the museums in Northwest Russia is one of the oldest. The museum contains more than 200 thousand exhibits, which give an idea of ​​the natural world, archaeological finds, the region's history. Exhibit reveals the traditions and culture of the North. The museum has various departments: the tourist-excursion, scientific exposition, information, archaeological and natural heritage, the department funds, restoration and conservation, research library, archive, museum security department.

Rich and diverse museum. This is the "Hall of the Noble Assembly" represents the interior of the house of the 19th century, and "Just in case your custom" - tells about the traditions and way of life of the peoples of the North. "On the threshold of the ancient universe" will tell you about the monuments of rock art - is the exposure-study of primitive culture.

The exhibition, devoted to the nature of Karelia, located in the building, which is a rare example of urban estate north. This exhibition will give an idea of ​​the rocks and minerals, will reveal the secrets of their education, especially of flora and fauna of the Karelian region.

Archaeological exhibition tells visitors about the unique artifacts - granite slabs with petroglyphs, called petroglyphs, you will see old tools, worship, amulets from a burial ground in the Deer Island, the largest archaeological site of the Stone Age in Northern Europe.

If you want to know about the history of the Karelian region, immerse yourself in the Middle Ages, learn how to create Peter the Great and Empress Catherine II the factory industry, the historical exposition of the museum is sure this will help you.

In addition to major projects in the museum hosts exhibitions on the history of the Karelian region, the culture of the peoples (Veps, Karelian, Russian) inhabit it.

Also, Governor's Park is a monument - a sample of landscape architecture. It is located next to the museum, in the center of it is a monument Derzhavin GR - The first Olonets governor. In the park there is an exposition that presents the big guns made at the Alexandrovsky plant.

The museum collection is based on original cultural monuments - the exhibits of the museum collections. This fund "Archaeology", including more than 20 thousand. Items. This excavation materials from the largest burial ground in the Deer Island Mesolithic from Peri Nos on Lake Onega, with the island's German Body, Oyat mounds. In "Natural Science" Foundation - includes more than 12,500 exhibits.

Fund "Fabrics" contains 6,500 objects - ethnographic costumes 18 20 centuries, military and civilian clothes, kokoshniki, ochipok. More than 800 different samples of embroidery. Fund "Pictorial sources" - a collection of works of Karelian masters. This scenic, graphic works, sculptures. The fund "Porcelain. Pottery "more than 1,300 items - porcelain, ceramics, glass objects. The porcelain collection of Western European and Russian life.

The fund "Tree" contains 6,000 exhibits. Spinning wheels, musical instruments peoples of Karelia, for example, Karelian kantele 19th century. Fund "Metal" contains 5,500 items. Copper casting, art casting, military production plant of the Alexander and more.

There are fund "Sources" - 50 thousand. Items, including publications from the 16th century to modern times. Fund "Photo documents" contains rare photos of 19-20 centuries., Materials folklore expeditions, photos on the construction in 1915 of the Murmansk railway, in 1931, the White Sea-Baltic Canal

The museum hosts theatrical programs, interactive reconstruction, during which you can feel like a participant in historical events.

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