Monument to La Perouse
   Photo: La Perouse Monument

One of the oldest monuments in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - a monument of the XVIII century French navigator Jean-Francois La Perouse Gallo (Jean-Francios de Galaup, cornte de La-Perouse), mounted on Lenin Street.

  The monument was erected in honor of the visit of world expedition of La Perouse on frigates "Astrolabe" and "Compass" in Petropavlovsk Harbor in 1787. Petropavlovsk warmly welcomed the ships navigator, render every possible assistance, as it has been written La Perouse French ambassador in St. Petersburg enthusiastic letter, and now stored in the archive of the Leningrad branch of the Institute of History.

  La Perouse expedition ended tragically, latest news from the navigator had been received from the shores of Australia, after which the expedition disappeared. Only through '34 in the archipelago of Vera Cruz were discovered wrecks.

  French navigator Monument was erected in the city at the initiative of the French Government. Kamchatka authorities were transferred to the drawings of the monument, and received the highest resolution of St. Petersburg, in 1843, a monument was erected on the isthmus between the signal and Nikolskaya hills.

  As such, the monument stood until 1854, when, during the heroic defense of Petropavlovsk port was destroyed by shells Anglo-French squadron. In 1882 the monument was restored on the initiative and the personal funds of the exiled scientist member of the Polish liberation uprising BI Dybowski. It was a white wooden cross on a stone base. It was attached to the cross platinum metal with the inscription in French: "In memory of La Perouse. 1787 ". After 10 years, the sailors of the cruiser "Bully" was erected another monument to the explorer - in the preserved stone base stone installed round, anchor and anchor chains. In 30-ies of XX century monument was moved to the park in the street Lenin, which stands to this day.

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