Kolonistsky Park
   Photo: Kolonistsky Park

Kolonistsky Park ("Island") is a landscape park of Peterhof and was formed in the middle of the XIX century in the desert, partly marshy land stretching south from the Upper Garden. The park was designed garden became a master Peter Ivanovich Erler, architect Andrei Stackenschneider and engineer M. Pilsudski.

Kolonistsky Park - one of the small parks of Peterhof, its area is 29 hectares. Most of the park is Kolonistskogo Holguin pond that surrounds the alley silver willows. The pond is decorated with two small islands, one of which is the pavilion Holguin, and on the other - Tsarina Pavilion. Holguin pond was named after the daughter of Emperor Nicholas I - Grand Duchess Olga.

In the XVIII century, the area on which subsequently appeared Kolonistsky park was dull and lonely. At that time it was called "willingly swamp", as here in the bushes vodilas game birds. Under Nicholas I, close to the "Okhotny swamp" were built homes that were intended for German colonists. That is why the park and was called Kolonistskim.

In 1838, a swamp drained, and in its place dug a large pond. The length of the pool is equal to 470 meters, width - 300 meters and a maximum depth - 2 meters. Its banks were strengthened with huge stones, and guarded the imposing dam, which was broken walkway. Water taken from the pond Ropsha keys. Until now Kolonistsky pond serves as a basin feeding the eastern complex of fountains Lower Park. During the summer, in Holguin pond swans released.

In 1839, work was begun on planning and landscaping of the park ended by the end of 1841. During this period, it was planted about 4,000 trees and 7,000 shrubs. The activities on arrangement of the park continued in the future: remodeling was made the eastern part, raised cape crashed into the lake, and so on. Between the shore of the pond and the island went ferries, which were built berths in the form of cast iron vases on pedestals.

In 1842, on one of the islands of Holguin pond began construction Tsaritsyn pavilion. Empress Alexandra wished the pavilion was like a house of ancient Roman city Pompeii, who died during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and was elevated to the "Pompeian style." The pavilion was surrounded by a magnificent garden with fountains, gazebos overgrown with greenery and corridors of the espalier (light bars on the columns or arches), benches and plenty of marble sculptures.

In 1846, on the other island Holguin pond was built in the style of a peculiar structure of the South Italian villas, which was called Olga's pavilion. It was erected in honor of Olga, the youngest daughter of Emperor Nicholas I, especially to her arrival in Russia for the first time after marriage as the Queen of Württemberg. From the building to the lake has been arranged staircase, decorated with vases. Pavilion has 3-ehetazhnuyu tower on a flat roof which was built playground with a canopy trellis overgrown with greenery. On each floor of the tower was equipped with one room with balcony, internal stone staircase connects the rooms to each other.

All the remaining area of ​​the island was occupied by a small outdoor garden with a rather narrow lanes, which were decorated with statues, busts, marble tables and vases.

The islands were a place where friends and relatives came to visit the imperial family for morning coffee or afternoon tea, where riding in the gondola and boat, listening to music.

Currently Tsaritsyn Holguin and pavilions on the islands Kolonistskogo Park is a museum, opened in 2005 after a comprehensive restoration.

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