Fountains "Adam" and "Eve"
   Photo: Fountain "Adam" and "Eve"

Fountains "Adam" and "Eve" are paired fonts palace and park complex "Peterhof". They are located on the axis of the main avenues of the park - Marly alley, which stretches parallel to the coastline. Fountain "Adam" is located in the eastern part of the park, and "Eve" - ​​in the west. These fountains are semantic and compositional center of the relevant parts of the park and are in their central points. Fountains "Adam" and "Eve" attract attention even from afar, appearing in prospects from different points of view. Around the fountains organized small platform from which rays diverge large and small alleys.

By type of engineering and artistic fountain solutions, both identical. The architectural design of these fountains is quite simple: the pool each fountain is made of profiled hewn granite and in terms of a regular octagon with a diagonal of 17 m. On a high pedestal in the center of the fountain, a sculpture that surrounds the circle, consisting of sixteen inclined strong jets of 7 m high. Fountains features a high-water and the beauty of the water drawing. The device water cannons formed so that raised high, the water breaks up into large droplets and sprayed in hand and dripping into the pool can be seen even from afar.

The author of the sculpture fountain "Adam" and "Eve" is a Venetian sculptor Giovanni Bonazzi. He obtained an order from the Russian diplomatic representative in Italy, Raguzinsky SL, which acted on the instructions of Peter the Great. Most likely, this order suggested making copies of famous renaissance statues of Adam and Eve, that adorn the Doge's Palace, owned by the hand of the sculptor 15th century. But George. Bonazzi differently filled the form of statues and interpreted their parts, while maintaining the posture and the overall composition, making them the Baroque style trends. This symbiosis of two styles defined the creative luck master: Raguzinsky wrote to the king, even in Versailles seen such sculptures.

Sculptures of Adam and Eve were brought to Peterhof in 1718. At first they were placed on pedestals as a sculpture in the center of the park grounds, which were later incorporated fountains. When in October 1722, work was completed on the device pool of the fountain designed by Niccolo Michetti, the figure of Adam took his place today. Peter was in no hurry to equip a second fountain. He earned only during the reign of Catherine I in 1726 pool fountain "Eva" was designed by and under the supervision of N. Usov.

From the beginning, the symbolism of these guys fountains interpreted quite simple: Adam and Eve, is the ancestor of the human race - this allegorical images of Peter and Catherine, the progenitors of the Russian Empire. This interpretation was further developed during the reign of Catherine I; not for nothing fountain "Eva" was built at its disposal.

Twin fountains "Adam" and "Eve" are the only ones in the Peterhof ensemble, will retain its original sculptural decoration; for nearly three hundred years they have not changed.

Songs playgrounds fountains complemented by a trellis arbor. Even long before earned fountains, there were wooden pergolas; their number varied from year to year, and changed their appearance. Those that are installed here today, recreated the "Adam" - in the 70 gg.20 in., The "Eve" - ​​in the 2000s, and resemble those pavilions, which are installed according to the drawings F. Brouwer in the early 19 at.

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