English Park
   View: English Park

Park is the first English landscape park of Peterhof. In addition, he - the largest park in the city, with an area of ​​173, 4 ha. Formed under Catherine II on a plan by architect Giacomo Quarenghi and garden master James Medersa. Much of the park is occupied by reservoirs: English pond Peterhof channel (part) Trinity stream, creek Peterhof (partially) and others, including unnamed ponds.

The compositional center of the park stands a picturesque pond, which stretches from north to south, with winding beaches and islands. It was formed here under Peter the Great, when in 1720 an earthen dam was blocked by Trinity creek that flowed into a deep ditch to the west of the Lower Park. Then the pond was connected to Ropshinskoye canal, and it began to get spring water. Through the gateway of the English pond water enters the channel of the Upper Garden and the western part of the Grand Cascade.

In 1734 the wooded area adjacent to the pond, was adapted for the menagerie, which contained the wild boar hunting. In the 1770s Boar menagerie was abolished and in its place was laid out in an English park, or landscape, style.

On both sides of the pond are two perspectives that cut through the park from north to south. Their crosses the third road, which runs from west to east. Laying alleys and planting of trees and shrubs was conducted by J. gardeners. Medersa, T. Vinkelsonom, D and T. Gavrilov Timofeev.

The architect Quarenghi erected in the English park has many small buildings. In the park there were 11 bridges, variously decorated, or in the form of ruins, or deliberately bordered roughly shaped stones, balustrades and so on. After the death of Catherine II, Paul I, who wanted to transform everything that was done by his mother, ordered to destroy the unfinished pavilions in the park, and rock forward on the construction of the Roman fountains, on a pedestal in the whale pool in the Lower Park and so on.

During the war on the territory of the English Garden was laid line of defense Oranienbaum Piglet, and all the buildings were destroyed.

In the English park at the end of the XVIII century it was built by the English Palace. His architect - Giacomo Quarenghi. It has survived only the ruins. It was built for Catherine II as a place of solitude. It was a monumental three-story building, located on the shore of the pond. The main entrance has been punctuated by a wide granite staircase leading to the first floor, and 8-mikolonnym Corinthian portico with pediment triangular shape. On the west facade there was a loggia with 6 columns. The ground floor was granite. The architectural concept and decorative trim interiors characterized by brevity. The main role assigned to them molding and ornamental painting ceilings and walls. Construction works lasted 15 years and ended in 1796, and the completion of some of the interior lining is perhaps the beginning of the XIX century - 1802-1805 years.

During the reign of Paul I, the palace was turned into a barracks. Later, during the reign of Alexander I, under the direct supervision Kvarengi palace was subjected to a serious repair. Until 1917 he was a summer residence of foreign guests, diplomats, who came to the reception to Peterhof. There were public concerts and art exhibitions. In July 1885 there was a concert in the palace of Anton Rubinstein.

After the revolution, there was arranged a sanatorium. During the war it was completely destroyed by artillery fire.

Birch House, created by Quarenghi also appeared in the English Garden in the summer of 1781. Outside log walls of the structure were covered with birch bark, straw roof is covered, but in homely facade lies a lush interior room, oval hall and 6 small rooms with mirrors, parquet floors and subtle ornamental painting. Birch House - the first building in Russia housed distorting mirrors. In 1941-1945 a house burned down.

Now English park restoration work carried out.

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