Grevin Museum
   Photo: Grevin Museum

Grevin Museum - a museum of wax figures on the Boulevard Montmartre, the most famous in the world, after Madame Tussauds.

The idea of ​​creating the museum came up with Arthur Meyer in 1881. Meyer - an interesting figure in the history of French XIX century. The grandson of a rabbi, a boy from a modest Jewish family became royalist Catholic antidreyfusarom, one of the key characters of the Third French Republic. He fought a duel, fought for the return of the monarchy, had a bourgeois newspaper Le Gaulois and opened Wax Museum. This newspaper told him the idea of ​​the museum - Meyer decided that readers will be interested to see the look of those whom they write every day on the front page. (Then printing equipment may not allow you to print photographs).

Embody the idea in life Alfred Meyer invited Grevena. Cartoonist, sculptor and designer of theatrical costumes Greven closely engaged in the manufacture of wax figures. Eventually the museum began to carry his name. Restaurant opened its doors in 1882 - and it was a success! In 1883, the renowned investor Thomas Gabriel has invested money in a museum than it has helped significantly to expand and enrich the interiors of new valuable decorations. So there Grevin Theatre and the Palace of Mirages (Hall, where with the help of mirrors, like a kaleidoscope, show show, entertainment was invented for the World Exhibition of 1900).

Now the museum continues the work of the three founding fathers - shows the public face of celebrities. Surprisingly, in the internet age people are happy looking at the wax figures and photographed them. In the ten halls of the museum there are about 500 pieces depicting famous people and fictional characters: Mozart, Aznavour, Rostropovich, Picasso, Napoleon, Nostradamus, Einstein, Esmeralda, Lara Croft, Spider-Man ... Part of the exhibition presents the key moments of the history of France: the death of Roland, the burning of Joan of Arc, the assassination of Marat and similar dramatic scenes. They say that it is possible to confuse the visitor with a wax figure, but it is very questionable assertion. Although the production of wax dummies - time-consuming and lengthy process, they did not look alive.

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