Cathedral of Otranto
   Photo: Cathedral of Otranto

Cathedral of Otranto - the main Catholic church in the city of Otranto, one of the most outstanding in the Italian region of Puglia. It was built on the ruins of an ancient Roman home and the early church, which was found during archeological excavations carried out from 1986 to 1990-th years.

Construction of the cathedral began in 1080th year, during the reign of the pontiff Gregory VII, and was completed eight years later. Also in 1088, the year the new cathedral was consecrated. That period, the end of the 11th century was the heyday of ancient Otranto, who bore the name Gidrunton.

Today the Cathedral of Otranto - a true synthesis of various architectural styles, which were mixed early Christian, Byzantine and Romanesque features. Inside, it consists of a central nave, two side chapels, a semicircular apse and two side chapels. The main nave is framed by 14 granite columns crowned with various capitals. The total length of the cathedral is 54 meters, width - 25 meters. In 1693, the year was made a wonderful wooden ceiling, gilded and richly decorated. Three of the altar of the right aisle dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ, St. Dominic and the Assumption of Mary, and the altars of the left aisle - the Holy Trinity, God's providence and St. Anthony of Padua.

But perhaps the main attraction of the cathedral is its unique mosaic floor, made in 1163, the year by order of the bishop Dzhonata. Above this floor worked monk Pantaleone, the head of the art school of the University of Casole. Mosaic covers the floor of the central nave, two aisles, the apse and presbytery. It is made of colored glazes, carved out of a very hard limestone, and bears the characteristics of Byzantine and Romanesque styles. Pantaleone with his creations wanted to show the drama of human life - the eternal struggle between good and evil, virtue with disabilities.

Two flights of stairs located in the aisles of the cathedral, leads to the crypt, which occupies the space under the altar in the apse and presbytery. To get to the crypt is also possible through the door located on the side of the main entrance to the cathedral. Date of construction of the crypt is still unknown, but probably it goes back to the days of the Roman Empire. Inside you can see a column of 42 different types of marble, crowned with capitals. On the walls are preserved fragments of ancient frescoes.

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