Valsky pillar
   Photo: Valsky pillar

If we trace the historical development of Ostashkov, it is worth noting that he did not once hold harmless using a high defensive wall. It turned out that this facility several times been subjected to a terrible fire, but after some time to rebuild. At the end of 1711 the inhabitants of this small town have flatly refused to re-erect the fortress, which is constantly expecting any adversity.

The structure of city fortress were the three most important and significant for the city, not only defense, but also to perform economic functions of the tower: North, South and East. Some of the towers served as a customs. On the ruins of these buildings townspeople, it was decided to build the three pillars of the big bow for that purpose, to the grateful descendants never forgot that in the past there were powerful and majestic castle.

One of these pillars was called Valsky while he was able to survive until now, in contrast to the other two. The current location of the pillars - Volodarskaya Street, not far from the city's museum.

Valsky pillar is a monolithic bushel at the end of which is a high steeple. Himself monument is made in the traditional style of the Baroque and is located on the former location of the famous of the entire city South Gate shopping.

The most celebrated and important tower was driving East Coast Tower, located near the water's edge on the street Orlovsky, Building 10 - Here are the main urban Customs. In this place came sailing, and many merchants actively traded goods brought from afar. Not far from here and it was sent a pillar labeled bushel, the completion of which was done in the form of a spire. This structure has two roles: the first - as a monument, and the second - as a lighthouse, located on the winter road from Moscow to Novgorod. From the capital of the winter road was moving up Ostashkov on the Volga system, thus from Ostashkov his path lay on the east coast called Klichen the famous Nilov deserts, after which passed through Khachin along the river Polonovka in the village Polnova, then across Lake Ilmen, Voloday and Great Novgorod.

On Valsky pillar - namely, on the steeple towers Svetlitsky, or otherwise entrance gate Nil's Hermitage, the lighthouse in the monastery village Polnova even in the most inclement weather ignited the fire. The glow from these beacons often helped in difficult moments wayward strangers or travelers, as well as conductors of carts.

By the end of 1930 during a large-scale piping water intake tower under construction in the newly famous pillar was located on the road than the blocked path and interfere with construction works, so it's just demolished.

The third sign of the monumental built at the intersection of the alley and street Uritskogo Chaikin and presented in the form of a small chapel, or one dome octagon with one door and three window openings .  Style memorial sign is defined as a classic .  On the wall surfaces are scenic paintings and hang icon .  In the past, the chapel was not far from the marina is quite a large enterprise under the name "Star" or, as in the past, it was called the monastery Nilovskaya marina; today next to the marina is a large spacious garage .  For quite a long period of time in the chapel in storage an icon of St. Barbara, which the Orthodox religion known as the patroness of conductors, sailors and fishermen .  Next to the icon of the lamp always burning, near which numerous fishermen prayed, asking for protection from the patron saint .  The chapel was badly destroyed after the process of nationalization of fisheries and marine transport on the grounds that it interfered with the flow of traffic .

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