Pyramid Hunger in the chitin
   Photo: Pyramid of Famine in the chitin

Not far from the village of chitin, located in Ostashkov area is quite huge and massive pyramid silhouette is perfectly visible even from the road. It is this structure is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious attractions nearby areas. The pyramid is named Alexander Golod, like many others, he created and located mainly in the European part of the Russian Federation.

This building was erected in 1997, and is a pyramid 22 meters high. With regard to the material from which it is made, it is fiberglass, which during operation has not been used a single nail. Initially, it seems that the pyramid is very massive and heavy, and is built of stone, but, once in his interior, one can immediately understand that it is completely hollow and made of a lightweight material.

The author of such notable buildings - Alexander Golod - his whole life doing research amazing and unusual properties of the pyramids in the proportions of the so-called golden section. The creator of the pyramid argues that rather impressive pyramid is involved in the formation of a strong pillar, which, according to his assumptions, the ionizing radiation that affects the thickness of the atmospheric ozone layer, but also activates processes ecological community, what is happening in our environment. If you stay a little longer in the interior of the pyramid, you will feel an unprecedented burst of energy and power, and even get rid of a wide variety of diseases and ailments.

According to Alexander Golod it is to ensure that in the most unusual properties of the pyramid used the golden section for the purpose of the accumulation of abnormal hypothetical energy, which is due to the shape and appearance of a pyramid. The author of the pyramids is to ensure that all life on the planet created thanks to the proportions of the Golden Section. On the level of intuition, we understand that not expect any negative action from buildings with names such proportions. According to the Famine, it is one of the ways of a significant increase in the true harmony of our environment.

To date, scientists issued a fairly large amount of publications dedicated to the unique properties of the phenomena and the pyramids that are somewhat contrary to all known laws of modern science of nature. Despite the fact that these articles the author of the arguments quite convincing, they have caused great public controversy. According Kruglyakova E. - respected President of the Commission, is fighting against pseudoscience, identified Alexander Golod properties nor completely groundless and not supported, because that lack any scientific basis, so easily refuted.

Pyramid Alexander Golod located on the overwhelming majority of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that most of the people rather skeptical about this kind of architectural design, despite the fact that others, even organize a pilgrimage - they truly believe that pyramids can heal people from physical and mental illnesses, as well as give it the energy of the cosmos. You must be at the very dome of the pyramid and turn the palm up, then close your eyes and try to be completely separated from the outside of the earthly world.

Today, everyone has an opportunity to visit the famous Pyramids neighborhood, located in the village of chitin, on the shores of Lake Seliger. This is where you can always see a lot of people, because to pass such a remarkable structure it is simply impossible. In the pyramid, as well as in the rest of its other "brother", selling a variety of souvenirs, charged miraculous powers, which are represented by paintings or seeds of certain forage grasses. Also inside the "light" construction available locker with stones, also charged with positive energy. Stones from this box, visitors can take with me as a gift.

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