Old Believers Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
   Photo: Old Believers Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Old Believers Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located on Baydukova. This big beautiful brick domed temple, made in Russian architectural style belfry was erected from 1990-1999. the funds collected by the city enterprises, communities of Old Believers in Siberia, and donations from foreign organizations.

Old Believer community in Novo-Nikolaevsk (now - Novosibirsk) has been registered in 1908 in the 30-ies. XX century., During religious persecution, it was dissolved and rebuilt after the war in 1946. In those days of worship were held in various adapted to these needs, buildings.

By the end of the 80s. in the life of Novosibirsk Old Believer community began a new phase. The number of Old Believers has increased significantly, and the old church building is no longer in line with the needs of the community. Then it was decided to erect a new stone church. In September 1990, the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia consecrated Alimpiy land in the streets of Bestuzhev allotted for the construction of a new stone church.

Since the money for the construction of the temple at the parish lacked, construction was delayed. However, thanks to the help of local and regional administration building of the church ended. The ceremonial consecration of the church took place in September 1999 and is now the Cathedral is striking in its beauty.

The author of the project was the iconostasis of the Kazan Old Believer A. Thursday. Against the background of the church stand out not the usual black dome.

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