House of the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Olisova
   Photo: House of the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Olisova

In the historical center of Nizhny Novgorod - Zapochaini, or, as it still used to be called - are Elijah Sloboda Old white-stone chambers, built in the seventeenth century. Rare for the Nizhny Novgorod Chamber with exquisite decor and tiles belonged to merchants and industrialists Athanasius Firsovichu Olisova.

Famous chamber, preserved today flavor of the ancient city, built along with the Assumption Church (also funded Olisova) in the 1670s. Two old buildings are still a fragment of the Nizhny Novgorod tenements, buildings of the seventeenth century. A.F.Olisov himself was known for the fact that being a merchant, rose to the highest state level and through its activities was on a par with the eminent nobility. Ambitious Athanasius Firsovich in 1668 was listed by one of the largest suppliers of grain to Moscow in 1677, he was appointed manager of the palace salt and Fisheries Yaik and Astrakhan, and after his salary king "preferential certificates" Olisov had the right to cross-border trade.

Stone two-storey chamber created in the tradition of ancient residential buildings consist of ceremonial and residential rooms on the second floor and outbuildings in the lower part of the house. Up to now partly preserved decoration of houses - the stone tracery of arches and frames, as well as the relief tiles. In 1967 the old building was restored by the honored Russian architect and historian of architecture - Svyatoslav Agafonov Leonidovich. In 1984, the house is located the regional center of folk art and artistic crafts, and today a historic building owned by the Diocese of Nizhny Novgorod, where it is planned to place the center of Orthodox upbringing of youth.

House of the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Olisova are the object of cultural heritage (federal), a monument of history and architecture, as well as a beautiful historic landmark in Nizhny Novgorod. Near the house Olisova in the 18-19 centuries was the estate where he was born and raised an outstanding self-taught Russian mechanic I.P.Kulibin.

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