Monastery Machaira
   Photo: Monastery Machaira

Not far from Nicosia in lush forest located one of the most famous active Orthodox monasteries in Cyprus - Monastery of Machairas. It got its name thanks to the icon of the Mother Maheriotyssy, which translates as "knife." According to legend, an icon, written by the Apostle Luke, was brought to Cyprus from Constantinople in the time of iconoclasm and hidden in the mountains. For a long time no one knew exactly where she was. But in the XII century the two hermits Ignatius Neophytou and managed to find the cave, which served as a hiding place for the icon. To get through the dense thickets of the cave, the monks used the knife was found nearby. Since the Greek word "knife" sounds like "Maher", the icon itself and the monastery, built on the site of the cave, and were named Machaira.

Funds for the construction of the monastery at the request of the Neophyte and Ignatius singled out by the Emperor Manuel Comnenus of Constantinople - first put there a small chapel, and with time the place appeared a complex with a church, residential and farm buildings, which grew rapidly. In addition, it received the status of Stavropegic Machaira, ie independent of the local diocese, and reporting directly to the patriarch.

Unfortunately, two major fires - in 1530-m and 1892 m respectively - almost completely destroyed the monastery managed to save a famous icon of the Mother of God. Blown even the knife with which she was found. But gradually Machaira, albeit slowly, but recovering. Once again, it was only rebuilt in 1900.

After gaining independence of Cyprus in 1960, the monastery was adjusted life - all the buildings have been restored, and new chapels and churches. Also, there was a monument to Grigory Afksentiu - "eagle Maher", the hero of Cyprus during the struggle against the British colonialists.

At this point in Machaira home to several dozen monks who are engaged in agriculture.

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