The Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn
   Photo: The Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn

The zoo, located in Brooklyn's Prospect Park is small. It is only five acres, you can bypass all the animals two hours. But generation after generation of Brooklyn children grow here, and tourists were close, happy to rest in this pleasant place.

Menagerie began to take shape back in 1890 when the park donated three young bears baribalov. Three years later, there were seals, foxes, deer, peacocks and buffalo. Menagerie continued to expand somewhat spontaneously, and in 1934 for his special places on the eastern slope of the park. Six buildings were built, half had risen around the pool with sea lions. The bas-reliefs on the frieze of red-brick buildings depict scenes from "The Jungle Book" Kipling. The same reliefs located on the gate at the entrance to the zoo with the Flatbush Avenue.

Swimming pool with Californian sea lions - the center of the zoo. Sitting in the outdoor cafe, you can see how the food Stella and Bibi. It occurs three times a day, noisy and fun - the sea lions love to impress the audience.

Venues at the zoo are divided by topic. "Life of Animals" - where visitors are introduced to the family of baboons, sentimental kittens Manuli and marvel huge orange eyes African white-faced owl. Dioramas in the foyer of the building tell us about the differences in the lifestyle of those who live on the land, in water and in the air.

On the site "Animals in our lives" presents two exhibitions: "Animals in Art" and "Amazing Animals". You can learn about how animals are attracted to partners, deter predators and generally survive in his world, and at the same time look at the adorable meerkats, porcupines and opossumnyh rats (small kangaroos).

"Discovery Trail" leads through the marsh with herons, frogs, turtles, ducks and otters to the underground city of prairie dogs, as well as the red panda, the Australian dingo and tufted deer (it's amazing deer with fangs sticking out of the mouth).

Kids love to tinker on the local farmyard. In this small but real farm has goats, sheep, alpacas and miniature horses - they can feed and touch. From May to October, visitors try their hand at milking a cow. And next to the barn - a picturesque garden with a pond and a waterfall, and it was full of butterflies.

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