Cathedral-Basilica of St. James
   Photo: Cathedral Basilica of St. James

Catholic Cathedral Basilica of St. James in Brooklyn is also called "the cathedral of the other" - to distinguish it from the well-known and very popular St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan. Church in Manhattan and Long Island (on which the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens) belong to different dioceses, so on Long Island, and got its own cathedral.

Saint James looks much more modest of his famous Manhattan "brother." The brick building on Jay Street, built in neogeorgianskom style looks pretty simple. On the low tower with golden spire stands a gilded statue of St. James, holding in his hand a staff.

In 1982 the Vatican granted the title of the Cathedral Basilica, which means that the special role of the church in the history of the Church. Cathedral really played an important role in the life of Catholics on Long Island. The church on the site was founded in 1822 - the first Catholic on Long Island, "mother" of the Diocese of Brooklyn, the fifth largest in the United States. It happened on the initiative of the laity. "The Diocese of immigrants," as it was called then, was growing very fast, as the city of Brooklyn, who took fleeing from hunger and oppression of the British Irish. About 70 Brooklynites Catholics led by Peter Turner decided to build a church (before they went across the East River to the Cathedral of St. Patrick). The document, which has developed a group, said: "First and foremost we want our children educated in the principles of our holy religion; we do want more comfort in listening to the Word of God. In fact, we want a church, a priest and a burial place. "

Building was conducted on donations. Men who did not have the extra money, donate their labor. After 60 years after the founding of the Cathedral of St. James in the territory of Brooklyn it was already 45 Catholic churches.

The present church building was built in 1902. For the bronze doors of the Cathedral open space - much more than it seems from the outside. Interior bright, festive. Striking the altar under the impressive canopy on four marble columns. The Cathedral is proud of its magnificent stained-glass windows depicting scenes from the Old Testament. Stained glass in the center window is dedicated to the establishment of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Although Saint James is big enough, it can accommodate only 600 people. Therefore, in 2013 in the Diocese of Brooklyn has another cathedral - a special act of the Pope Benedict XVI has made it the Church of St. Joseph. However, Saint James can not lose its value - it was and remains the "mother of the diocese," the beloved church parishioners. On the glorious history of the cathedral reminds plaque commemorating the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1979, and a bronze bust of Peter Turner, delivered in the churchyard in 1895. On the creation of the bust thousands of children Catholics collected a penny.

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