Teal-Kem River
   Photo: Teal-Kem River

Teal-Kem river flows in the center of the northern part of the Republic of Karelia is the right tributary of Kemi, having a swimming pool in the White Sea. The river is 221 km. Home-Kem river Teal is located in Lake Naomango. In the course of its flow the river passes several lakes, and finally empties into Lake Yushkoyarvi. Due to the geological features of the area of ​​the river flow, Teal-Kem is replete with lots of obstacles that are presented rapids, shoals and Shiver.

Teal-Kem River is one of the high water and rough rivers of Karelia. In the period from November to May, the last month it is fully covered by an impressive ice cap, however, talkative thresholds do not freeze even in winter. The winter weather is particularly striking beauty of the rapids, waterfalls: just above the water cascaded pairs of thick white curls and trees located in the coastal zone of the river, amazingly picturesque sparkle cover them with frost. During the warmer months, when river ice are melted, you can see that the river water is very dark, and most of their seats poorly transparent. Depth Teal-Kem is from 1 to 3 meters.

With regard to the characteristics of the river, then they can be represented in three portions. The first section starts from the origins Teal-Kemi and to Kalmozera. On this stretch of the river it can be called a typical river in Karelia, reaching a width of 20 m and has a particularly swampy shores, but it is simple thresholds. The river at this site almost unobtrusive and has a dark almost opaque water. Teal-Kem in this location is able to flood up to 40 m in width, once it reaches the confluence of the river Muezerki its left tributary. It is very beautiful views and landscapes, which are binding in the area of ​​lakes Chelgozero, Kalmozero and Momsoyarvi.

The second portion of the area is presented to the village Borovoye Kalmozero .  In this area the river widens considerably, and the water flow is increased more than three times, which significantly increases during .  After reaching the area near Chelgozera width of the river bed reaches 80-140 m, and then significantly narrows to 20-45 m in the powerful but short rapids . In this part of the canyon it is unusual - a short but particularly picturesque .  The walls of the canyon reaches a height of 30 m, the beginning of the canyon is necessary threshold curve having an incredibly large flow velocity and the so-called standing waves reaching heights of up to 1, 5 m .  the end of the canyon falls on the threshold Tahkopadun presented in the form of a large discharge height of 2 m .  After passing Tahkopaduna Teal-Kemi significantly calms down, pouring in a lake, and slows its course .  These places are different scenic views .  Especially conspicuous covered taiga in some places the rock from which small waterfalls running down numerous streams .  A distinctive feature of Chirka-Kem is particularly frequent change of natural scenery .

The third section of the river spreads wide, more than 100 m. The river runs numerous rapids and shoals and falls into the beautiful lake Yushkoyarvi located already on the river Kem. The site is characterized by a huge flow of water.

In the coastal zone of the river Teal-Kem has rock castles (Selga), which reach a height of 100 m. On the banks of the river you can see the many huts of fishermen, rafters and haymakers. It is particularly well-caught fish: the spinning and the bait. In podlesochnyh places you can find blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, and in the marsh area of ​​common cloudberries.

With regard to the passage of the river, but it rarely pass entirely, because downstream is particularly widespread and has numerous number of islands. The greatest number route ends in the village of Borovoye.

Teal-Kem River is especially popular among tourists, especially canoeists and kayakers. The attractiveness of the river is not only interesting water obstacles and beautiful landscapes, but also its proximity to human settlements and roads. In addition, coastal forests can pick berries and mushrooms.

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