Mogilev Town Hall
   Photo: Mogilev Town Hall

Mogilev Town Hall - reconstructed today a copy of the town hall, which once adorned the city of Mogilev, was his pride and a symbol of independence.

In 1577 Mogilev was granted the Magdeburg Law - a set of freedoms and privileges that gave the city can maintain law and order on its own. Cities receive significant tax benefits, the right to judge and to solve inner-economic problems on their own. A year later, in the central square of Mogilev increased first town hall. It was built of wood and, as a result, have repeatedly burned down.

Stone tower town hall built for a long time and thoroughly. Construction began in 1679. By 1681 it was built the first two floors. In 1686 under the leadership of guild masters of Fez built a high tower (26 meters) that she could not bear its own weight and collapsed. New Tower - a strong and soundly instructed to build the master Ignatius. It was built in 1692 and stood until 1957. The tower was octagonal, five-tiered, ended balcony with metal bars and a dome. Its height was 46 meters. At the town hall clock was installed.

In the City Hall we focused most important thing for all of Mogilev: there were courts in the basement was a prison. It kept the city treasury, met the magistrate.

Over time, the town hall was repeatedly rebuilt and repaired by acquiring more modern and luxurious look. In 1780, with its observation deck of the city admired the two monarchs of European powers: the Russian Empress Catherine II and the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph II.

During the Great Patriotic war in Mogilev Town Hall was badly damaged, but it was decided to restore it. There was even drawn up a special commission designed reconstruction plans. In 1957, the town hall was suddenly exploded. Who made this decision and why - remains unknown.

Until 1992, in Mogilev it was no town hall, but the townspeople remembered the pride of the city and dreamed of recreating the town hall. In 1992 he was solemnly laid the first stone. However, it took many years to elaborate a plan to build so that the tower was an exact replica of the old town hall. The construction used in much the same technology as in the past. July 18th, 2008 the city was awakened by the chimes of the tower of the restored Town Hall. Watches have been specially made watchmaker Gennady Golovchikom. Watches are unique and virtually eternal. Their term of guarantee - 500 years.

Now Mogilev Town Hall is a museum city. However, the city authorities decided to carry out in the town hall receptions and meetings. This is one of the few existing town halls. Tourists can visit these rooms when they are free.

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