Mariupol Art Museum AIKuindzhi
   Photo: Mariupol Art Museum AIKuindzhi

Mariupol exposition Art Museum AI Kuindzhi - Museum of Local History Department - highlights the life and work of the famous Mariupol - artist Kuindzhi Antropov and exhibits works of art by Ukrainian painters of the 20th century.

The decision on the formation of the Art Museum. Kuindzhi AI postponed from year to year during the 20th century. And the idea of ​​opening it appeared when in the middle of 1914 in Mariupol City Council received a letter in which the Moscow branch of the Society of Artists. AI Kuindzhi city offers ten paintings by renowned masters. However, the premises for the paintings in the city then was not.

Past wars, governments changed, but the museum and remained in the plans. It was only in October 2010, a century after the death of the great painter Kuindzhi Antropov, in his hometown of doors opened art museum named after him.

The building, where the museum - house, built in 1902 in the style of the Northern Art Nouveau. As a result of the nationalization of the building it was given over to the library, and later - Historical Archives of the Party. During World War II house was partially destroyed, and then rebuilt and in 1997 transferred to the municipal property of the city branch of the local history museum. Art museum's collection numbers about 2,000 exhibits, including graphic works, paintings, decorative arts and sculpture.

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