Chiaravalle Abbey
   Photo: Abbey of Chiaravalle

Chiaravalle Abbey, also known as the Abbey of Fiastra, - a Cistercian monastery, located between the towns of Tolentino and urbisaglia in the Italian region of Marche. Surrounded by a vast nature reserve, it is one of the most well-preserved Cistercian abbeys of Italy.

In 1142, the year Guarneri II, Duke of Spoleto and the Marquis of Ancona, the Cistercian monastic order identified a large piece of land between the rivers Chienti and Fiastra. In the same year here came the monks of the abbey of Chiaravalle in Milan and began work on the construction of the monastery. To do this, they used materials from the ruins of the nearby ancient city of Urbs Salvia, which was destroyed by Alaric in the 5th century. The monks have started to drain the swampy area, inhabited by wolves, bears and deer.

For three centuries the Abbey Fiastra flourished. Monks divided their farmland into six plots, which are actively cultivated land. Monks also participated in the economic, social and religious life of the region. Influence of the abbey grew - by the 15th century in his command were 33 churches and monasteries, and his story is recorded in the 3194 manuscripts "Fiastrenzi Card", now kept in Rome.

But in 1422, the year Fiastra Abbey was looted by soldiers Braccio da Montone, which destroyed the roof of the church and bell tower and killed a large number of monks. A trace on the orders of the Pope, it turned out to be run by a group of eight cardinals. In 1581, the year the Abbey gave the Jesuits, after the abolition of which in 1773, the year ownership passed to the noble Bandini family. The last member of the family, Sigismondo, handed control of Abbey Foundation Giustiniani-Bandini, on whose initiative and the nature reserve was established to protect the natural and cultural heritage of these places. In 1985, the historical value of the abbey has been recognized at the national level.

The abbey church is named Santa Maria di Chiaravalle di Fiastra. Its impressive building is in a transitional Romanesque-Gothic style, the traditional Cistercian architecture. Inside, it has three chapels and eight spans with Romanesque arches. Capitals of the columns were carved by the monks.

The monastery, which stands next to the church, still functions as a Cistercian community. It is notable for its beautiful cloister, rebuilt in the 15th century, around which you can see the refectory secular brothers, cells, the chapter house and grottos.

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