The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
   Photo: Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit

The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit - one of the iconic sights of the city of Magadan. Magadan Orthodox community was incorporated in 1989, initially all the services were held in a specially adapted for this house (now - the territory of the Pokrovsky monastery, in the village of Sunny).

The main initiator of the construction of the temple was made the first Bishop of Magadan (and temporarily Kamchatka and Sakhalin) Arkady. The ceremonial consecration of the church in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles took place in February 1992, the last building was built in 1990-1992. Domed church is rectangular in plan with a bushel tiered bell tower, located under a small tent. In the church there is a small chapel and bookstore.

Soon the church was decorated with icons that were presented to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. In September 1993, the patriarch personally visited the temple. When Bishop Rostislav Holy Spirit temple decorated with a beautiful iconostasis, as well as a number of lists of ancient icons of famous masters - Reverend Daniel Black and Andrei Rublev's Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra. In November 1997, the church brought Pochaev Icon of Our Lady in front of the miraculous which townspeople gather each Sunday to akathist.

In the church there is a reliquary with the relics of the great saints and icons with relics of St. Innocent of Moscow, St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Holy Martyr Haralambos, educator Alaska, Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Peter and Paul.

In 1996, near the church was built by John the Baptist baptismal church. By 2011, the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was of status of a cathedral. In September 2011, at the dedication of the new Holy Trinity Cathedral in Magadan, Duhososhestvensky lost the status of a temple.

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