Monument "Partisan Glory"
   Photo: Monument "Partisan Glory"

Monument "Partisan Glory" is located at 138 km Kiev highway near Luga. It was established in 1975 in memory of the exploits of the guerrillas of the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions. Near this grandiose monument on Victory Day annually held numerous meetings veteran guerrilla and celebrations in honor of the anniversary of the victory over the Nazi army.

Lugano was a major railway junction. Until 1940, there were more than a dozen of large industrial enterprises. 24 August 1941 Meadows was abandoned by Soviet troops. Nazi occupiers created here concentration camp for prisoners of war and established Luga brutal occupation regime. Violence and arbitrariness of the German soldiers and officers, bullying and humiliation only strengthened in people hatred of the enemy, and strong commitment to fight it in every way. Since the beginning of the occupation acted Oredezhsky underground district committee with his guerrillas, who maintains close ties with the underground Luga.

Memorial "Partisan Glory" designed by architect VB Buhaevym, worked on it sculptors VE Gorev, VI Bazhinov, VI Neumark, SA Kubasov. The main element of the composition of the monument is a road that starts near the reinforced concrete pillbox, still retains wartime. The road goes across the field past the thirteen-boulders granite stele on which are carved inscriptions dedicated thirteen partisan brigade that fought in the Leningrad region. In the hillside road turns into a wide staircase on either side of which are three-bench bastion, which represent three areas: the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov. On the ledges - initiation.

The hill is crowned with a monument "Partisan Glory", on top of it is a sculpture, which has a height of over 20 meters. On the granite pedestal - a sculpture of a girl-partisan with flying colors in his hand and a gun; it is as if the calls for people to fight the invaders. The road goes under a heavy concrete slab of the memorial hall. On its facade there are three high relief: "Care to join the partisans," "The Oath" and "Fight". On the inner perimeter of the building located not glazed windows, narrow loopholes, and above them - a frieze made of pictures of the war years. On the wall opposite the entrance - a wide opening, which is closed bars. It - lyrics guerrilla oath.

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