Manor Merevo
   Photo: Manor Merevo

The whole scattering of small estates located in the east of the Luga district, between the Oredezh and Luga. They were located on the shores of the many lakes and rivers Oredezh. From Luga road ran to the lake Merevskoe, on the south coast which are located small village Merevo. Rural land occupied by a thousand acres and divided among the seven landowners. However, the manor was one. It consisted of a wooden manor house and garden with fruit trees. Perhaps it belonged to the wife of Lieutenant Ustinov Lyalina Ivanovna, because in Merevo in 1772 was born her son Dmitry Vasilyevich, who inherited part of the village.

In the first third of the XIX century the village owned by three landlords: DM Lialin Lieutenant IN Trubashov and SI Ryndin. At the center of the village and settled the estate Trubashovyh Ryndin. They were arranged in the same way and are separated only by an alley. The third part of the village belonged to Dmitry Vasilyevich Lalin. With 16 years, he enlisted in the army, took part in the Russian-Swedish War (1788-1790, 1808-1809 years), in the War of 1812, during which commands the Teglinskim infantry regiment in the case of Wittgenstein, was 3 times He wounded, but remained in the ranks, and in 1813 he was promoted to Major General. After the end of the campaign he lived in Pskov Pskov province and handed over their part of the village Trubashovu (he made him his heir).

Shortly before his death, in 1847, Lieutenant-General Lialin presented a plan for a new stone chapel in the village Merevo approved after his death in 1848. The chapel was built by his successor PN Trubashovym.

In 1880, two merevskie part of the manor was acquired by merchants Ivan Yakovlevich and Ekaterina Zabelskimi. They combined estates Ryndin and Trubashovyhi, erected a new manor house. Currently, this ancient manor built again from all sides clamped modern buildings, so it just is not easy to find, although planning is viewed.

On the hill Zabelskie planted larch and pine trees, among which are built cottages, the edge of the ledge lined shore and established around the hill Walking trails, steep slope to the lake issued ledges on which it was possible to get to the lake. It was also strengthened by the coastal strip, it cleared a large field where a group of oaks was planted. Today it is the most beautiful place in the countryside, enjoying the attention of all travelers. In addition, in a hillside abounds clean water, which is used by locals and vacationers.

In Soviet times, the foundation of the manor house was built by the village school. For a time after the closing of the school building stayed in a dilapidated condition, and the park was in ruins.

Merevo Manor is an estate landlord middling in the XVIII century. Therefore, it lacks pretentiousness and pomposity, is - simply Mighty mansion, ancient park and a beautiful lake.

Now former manor house is a recreation center, which is called "Mishkin cottage." On the estate are located guest cottage for a different number of guests. Current owners of the estate they honor the achievements of Dmitry Vasilyevich Lalin and maintained in good condition posthumous memorial, located on Trinity churchyard, stand up for the reconstruction of historical interiors and household Russian pre-revolutionary period, as well as the formation of a museum in honor of DM Lalin. So far - it is only in the plans, but it is already on the territory of the estate each year the festival "Not for nothing remembers all Russia", which is dedicated to the War of 1812 and the Russian folk festivals are held, organized according to the old Russian rites.

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