Florus and Laurus Church in Klyukoshitsah
   Photo: Church of Flora and Laurus in Klyukoshitsah

Klyukoshitsy name of the village, the stories of local residents were born because the masters lived here, were made of juniper or long staves Kluki to Novgorod monks (once the land belonged to the Novgorod).

Modern stone church of Saints Florus and Laurus was built in 1872. But long before the building on the site was a wooden church built in 1566. Probably, it is not just rebuilt, as wooden churches often burned. Extant information that it altered and in 1864. And already in 1872 instead of the wooden buildings built of stone, remarkably well preserved to this day, despite the hard times times, wars and destruction.

The temple stands on the highest point and is visible from afar. It is surrounded by a high stone wall with towers at the corners and looks like a fortress or a small monastery. Old-timers say that when conceived to build a new church, we decided to move it to the other side of the river plank, where the road passes. Work began by laying the cornerstone, and all returned to their homes, as they say, to celebrate. With the arrival of the morning the stone disappeared. Searching, he found him in the courtyard of the former temple. Very surprised, but dragged him back. The next morning the same story happened: once again proved to be a stone in the same place. He was again dragged across the river. The next day before dawn went to see the stone udumal. And again he is in the courtyard of the former temple. Here it was decided that the will of God, and built a church there, and where it stands now.

It has long been in Klyukoshitsah bred horses. Rich owners of horse farms to donate funds for the construction of the church. It is said that before the revolutionary events in the feast day (31 August) the locals horses decorated with ribbons and brought them to the church where the priest sprinkled them with holy water.

The temple remained an icon, which - Saints Florus and Laurus, surrounded by horses. It did a lot of ancient icons that were brought Klyukoshits residents and surrounding villages in the years of the war, when the Germans opened the church.

In 1939 the church was closed. At first there was a warehouse, and then - the club. Almost half of the bell tower was demolished on the bricks, so now it looks strange, below the main dome - the memory of those times.

In 1942, the Nazis allowed to open the church and bring here Russian priest. After the war, he repressed priest, but the church continued to operate.

The interior of the church has remained considerably worse than it looks. Once the temple walls were painted, but club time gentle painting rough was applied blue oil paint, and in the war years here hit by a shell. Around the church - cemetery where they buried now.

In 2011, in the temple of Flora and Laurus was updated wiring, inside and outside, new lighting, fencing has been updated.
Twin brothers Saints Florus and Laurus lived in the II century in Byzantium, were skilled masons. There have been martyred for their faith. After many years of their holy relics were found and sent to Constantinople. The icons are depicted surrounded by horses, to control which, according to legend, he taught them the archangel Michael. In agrarian Russian pre-revolutionary period the veneration of these saints was quite large. They appealed to the prayers of the loss of cattle. August 31 is the day of memory of Saints Florus and Laurus. Another called it "horse festival." On this day, the horse did not work, they staged a break from any work that fed his fill, bathed, decorated and brought to the temple for washing them with holy water.

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