Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine
   Photo: The Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine

Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine belongs to one of the first private museums in Ukraine. Museum was created through the efforts Sergei Tsyupko patron, who for twenty years has collected an extensive collection of graphics, painting, sculpture, and decorative arts. The museum was opened in June 2005 in a house on the street Bratsk, which is located in the ancient Podil district of Kiev, has long been associated with the creative environment. Two years later, the museum's collection, which at that time numbered more than four and a half thousand exhibits, has been transferred to a separate building, which has been specially equipped in full accordance with the European standards of storage.

The main objective of the museum is the collection, preservation, study and promotion of Ukrainian art of the XX-XXI centuries. One of the most important areas of the museum is considered as work with children, so his staff do everything to make him feel free and comfortable, simultaneously perceiving the world and engaged in creative work. Not surprisingly, even the emblem of the museum - a drawing made little daughter of its founder.

Even more opportunities opened to the museum after his move in 2009 to the street Glubochitskuyu 17. Large areas of the new premises (more than three and a half thousand square meters) provide an opportunity to present the most outstanding works from the museum's collection, on permanent display. In addition, the involved space that hosts temporary exhibitions, a library and even a lecture hall, which is convenient to carry out scientific and practical conferences, lectures, round tables and master classes. Since the museum staff are trying to take care of their visitors, for the sake of increasing their comfort were provided parking and a cafe, which can be visited the whole family.

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