Church of Sts. Francis in Kochi
   Photo: Church of Sts. Francis in Kochi

Church of St. Francis, located in the city of Kochi in Kerala, is a historical monument of the colonial period in India .  Her story began after Vasco da Gama landed on the shores of India in 1498 .  The Portuguese built soon in Kochi (Cochin while) fortified fort in the territory of which was also built a wooden church in honor of St. Bartholomew .  But after a short time on the orders of the viceroy of Portugal, all the wooden structures were replaced by stone and brick .  In place of the old church of Franciscan monks it built a new brick .  It was completed in 1516 and began to carry the name of St. .  Anthony .  But in 1663, authorities in the city of Cochin was taken over by the Dutch .  And as they were Protestants, unlike the Portuguese Catholics, all the churches of the city were destroyed .  I survived only this - the Church of St. .  Anthony, but she was "converted" to the Protestant .  When Kochi won in 1795, the British, the church was again renamed and became the church of St. .  Francis, retaining the name of this day .  In 1923, she got into the list of historical monuments protected by the Society of archaeological research in India .

The main attraction of this church is that it is in it was buried Vasco da Gama, who died in Kochi in 1524, during his third visit to India. But fourteen years later his remains were moved to Lisbon.

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