Stone Carchi
   Photo: Stone Carchi

Stone Carchi - a sacred stone of Karachai-Circassian people. Stone is located in Hudesskom valley at the confluence of two rivers Kuban and Hudes.

Sacred stone was named after the national hero Karachai Carchi, whose role in the history of this people is hard to overestimate. According to legend, it is on this rock sat the legendary leader of Karachai Karch, considering all the plans of their future great things. It is from this stone-talisman, he appealed to the local population, it is claimed the foundation of what can be called Karachai statehood.

Hudes river flowing in the valley of the same name, also not by chance was named the Black River. Its water is black and decorated with her white breakers. Water Hudesa itself resembles a shiny black stone, just a stone bustling and lively. All of this together: black water Hudesa black memorial stele, black stone Carchi and white-capped mountains leave a lasting impression.

Carchi sacred stone revered by local people: walking past it was considered a long stay travelers and worship this stone, and bound for the long journey always took a small shard of stone that granted luck. History Carchi majestic stone. It became the inspiration for many poets and storytellers. For example, Karachai poet Nasir Khubiev created a ballad called "Stone Carchi."

The publications dating from the XIX and XX century., Had suggested that Stone Carchi - meteorite. This theory still remained popular in tourist guides and tour guides.

Stone Carchi is not far from the road, so now everyone can go to him, to touch the ancient history and worship national shrine.

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