Big Lake Yashaltinskoe
   Photo: Big Lake Yashaltinskoe

Big Yashaltinskoe lake located between the villages Salt and Berezovsky Yashaltinsky District - is one of the main natural attractions of the Republic of Kalmykia. In people, it is called as the Great Salt Lake.

This lake belongs to the Manych lake group (Lopuhovatoe, Manych-Gudilo, Swan) relic origin. Manychskaya group of reservoirs is very plentiful, but Salt Lake is notable for its uniqueness.

The total area of ​​the Big Yashaltinskogo lake is large enough - about 40 square meters. km. Its width is 5 km, and the length - 8 km. It feeds the pond by washing away by rain, groundwater and meltwater ground marine sediments.

The healing properties of water and bottom sediments of the lake known for a long time. In 1862, on Dzhalginskom lake (originally its name) is harvested salt for food needs. To do this, there were more than 500 workers, the majority of retired soldiers who have suffered from rheumatic diseases and consequences of injuries. After the end of life, many of these workers return home healthy.

Recent studies of mineral springs in Kalmykia were conducted in 2001, while the unique therapeutic properties of the mud lake Yashaltinskogo only confirmed. They are several times higher than the known properties of the mud resorts in the North Caucasus. Water and mud Salt Lake can cure a variety of diseases, for example, to reduce pain, muscle tension, inflammation, strengthen and improve blood circulation, and has a rejuvenating effect.

On the Big Lake Yashaltinskom located resort "Salt Lake" is one of the first places in the medical institutions of the Russian Federation.

Salt Lake - the ideal place for extreme kinds of recreation. Not far from the lake is an island with tulips herds of wild horses, lake Manych-Gudilo, lots of ponds and other interesting natural attractions.

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