Monasteries of Mount Athos
   Photo: Monasteries of Mount Athos

Athos - a mountain and peninsula in Greece (the so-called "eastern finger" of Halkidiki). Here is the largest center of Orthodox monasticism - "autonomous monastic state of the Holy Mountain," which takes up almost the entire peninsula of Mount Athos. The Holy Mountain is home to stavropegic twenty Orthodox monasteries in the immediate church jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Athos monks also called the Holy Mountain as "inheritance" and "Garden of the Virgin."

Mount Athos (also known in ancient times and called "Akti", which translated from Greek means "rock"), has been inhabited since ancient times. Unfortunately, the historical records of the ancient Mount Athos has remained very little. It is believed that the formation itself of the monastic community of Mount Athos was at the end of the 7th century, although relying on a number of sources we can confidently say that Athos was the abode of monks back in 3-4 centuries. The real heyday of the Orthodox Athos began in the late 9th century, after the Byzantine Emperor Basil I Macedonian proclaimed Athos monks only abode. Officially called the "Holy Mountain" was assigned to the Athos in the 12th century.

The largest and most famous holy monastery of Mount Athos monastery is the Great Lavra, built in 963 by St. Athanasius of Athos. Major holy relics of the Great Lavra - the cross and the staff of St. Athanasius, two miraculous icons - "Ekonomissa" and "Kukuzelissa" of the Holy Cross and the relics of St. Basil the Great, St. Andrew, St. Ephraim of Syria, etc.

The second in the hierarchy of the monasteries of Mount Athos Vatopedi Monastery is listed, dates from the late 10th century. Among his most valuable relics worth mentioning of the Holy Cross, fair times the Blessed Virgin, relics of Saints Gregory the Theologian, St. Andrew of Crete, the Apostle Bartholomew, Panteleimon and the miraculous icon "Joy" and "Vsetsaritsa."

Iver Monastery (founded in the 980-ies and is the third in the hierarchy of the monasteries of Mount Athos) is known for a variety of holy relics and the miraculous icon "Vratarnitsa" (read with IXveka). Pantocrator The monastery houses one of the most revered miracle-working icons of Mount Athos - Virgin Gerontissa, and KATHOLIKON Stavronikita monastery is the mosaic icon of St. Nicholas, finding the sea. However, without exception, Athos monasteries owned by one or other truly unique and priceless relics. No less interesting and architectural solutions.

Famous monasteries of the Holy Mountain and the excellent library, which holds many unique ancient manuscripts in different languages ​​that are important historical documents and a large number of publications, including a lot of rare books.

It's worth noting that access to the holy land is strictly regulated, and women at all strictly forbidden. Men to visit the Holy Mountain is necessary to obtain a special permit. However, many monasteries can be seen from the sea, so to see them, and admire the incredibly picturesque peninsula can make an exciting boat ride along its shores.

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