Palace Park Amphitheatre
   Photo: Palace Park Amphitheatre

Amphitheatre - unique, but unfortunately, the dilapidated building, located in the southwest of the left bank of the Palace Park in the Greenhouse Garden. In the 18th century. it was fashionable to arrange parks open-air theater or amphitheater. Amphitheatre Palace Park in Gatchina was built in 1797. The author of the project NA Lviv, a talented Russian architect who created the Neva Gates and Paul Fortress and the Priory Palace in Gatchina.

Gatchina amphitheater - the original sample of "green architecture" landscape art of the late 18th century. The architect is not fully able to implement the project Amphitheatre. In connection with the death of Paul I, all work was stopped.

Amphitheatre in terms of a circle, which is surrounded by a ten-meter earthen rampart. Val served on the outside wall of the amphitheater, and on its inner slopes, which were covered with green turf, were the seats. The width of the shaft had a pretty impressive size, and was 1/6 the diameter of the Amphitheatre, which gave the building an extraordinary monumentality and grandeur. Thanks to this feature, sometimes also called Amphitheatre earthen fortress.

The entire circumference of the shaft at equal distances cut four directions. The two are opposite each other directions closed metal gate. These passages were used for the riders, leaving the arena. The remaining passages were intended for the passage of the audience. Val from driveways strengthened walls, built of stone blocks pudostskogo. On both sides of each passage have been arranged steep and narrow stairs, steps are made of Chernitskaya plate.

In the amphitheater were carried out "mock" jousting tournaments, they are called "knights carousels". Clad in armor knights tournament participants, moving in a circle, performed all kinds of military exercises. Periodically, they rebuilt, thus forming, beautiful figure, which was called "frames." In Europe, the carousel at the royal courts were very fashionable fun in the 17-19 centuries.

The first "horse carousel" in Russia have been carried out on the orders of Catherine II. One "of the most illustrious Carousel" was held in St. Petersburg in front of the Winter Palace in 1766 by Her protagonists were the Orlov brothers. The winner is the older brother Gregory. Therefore, probably, I received as a gift and the heart of the Empress, and Gatchina estate, which is very symbolic.

Pavel Petrovich saw "horse carousel" in childhood. And they made a strong impression on him. Grand Duke loved horses, and he rode well. Besides, he wanted to revive the traditions and ideals of chivalry. Historians called Paul's "Don Quixote on the Russian throne," in 1798 he was even elected Grand Master of the Maltese Order of St John of Jerusalem. In the 20-ies. 19 in. Amphitheater Palace Park was named "Cockfighting". Perhaps that is carried out and cock fighting, but exact information about this to the present day never came.

Fully Amphitheatre project was never realized. Top supposed to arrange benches for spectators of the turf, the arena of the amphitheater had to be separated from the low barrier sheared shrub in the gaps to be installed statues on pedestals made of stone pudostskogo. Stairs were decorating eight gilded vases, and the arena - flat-incense bowl in antique style on the high curved legs. In the passages and do not set the designed wrought-iron gates with monograms of Paul I and gilded spears. This is reminiscent of metal Pyatnikov mounted in the wall passes. Completes the composition of the amphitheater would have green walls of two rows of linden trees.

The restoration of the amphitheater was held in 1849, but during the war of 1941-45. This unique structure has been destroyed. Now the earth mound quite oplyl, although preserved staircase, block walls, stone pedestals of statues.

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