 Photo: Constable

Constable - square and an obelisk in Gatchina Leningrad Region. Located at the intersection of Prospect and Krasnoarmeysky the city's main streets - Prospect 25th of October. The founder of the ensemble, was probably Italian architect and designer Vincenzo Brenna.

The idea to create the obelisk came from Emperor Paul I, during his trip to Europe in the years 1782-1783. When Paul Petrovich was a guest at the Prince de Conde in his residence of Chantilly (near Paris) it made an indelible impression of a similar complex with the obelisk, which was erected in the name of Constable (from the French. Connetable - court office in royal France) Duke Anne de Montmorency.

Construction of the ensemble was initiated in 1793. Not far from the Big Gatchina palace, it was founded on a hill area. It was surrounded by a parapet of stone pudostskogo. In the center of the square stands the 32-uhmetrovy obelisk decorated Chernitskaya stone. Construction activity was engaged in the builder and master bricklayer Kiryan PLastinin. Work on the obelisk was completed by the end of October 1793. They also built a parapet, having a length of 450 meters, and the guardhouse, not survived to our time. Around the obelisk there were four tables of stone, connected by chains in the embrasures of the parapet were set six pieces of artillery, and he had suffered parapet improvised clock arrow to divide them was a shadow of the obelisk. After 3 years, the size of the area have been increased, and it took its present size.

In 1881, May 23, at 4.00 am, 600-ton obelisk was hit by lightning, and it was destroyed almost to the ground. There was a question about the restoration of the obelisk, made a number of suggestions: mold the slab of concrete, lay of hewn stone, without the use of metal parts, ending a glass bowl, gilded inside, or made of metal hollow inside with a ball at the top, made of metal, and a lightning rod. But as a result it was decided to restore the obelisk in its present form. Restoration work lasted a long time - five years, because Chernitskis quarries are in a derelict state, and it was necessary to prepare them for the extraction of stone. Blocks to create a new obelisk looted from 6 timetrovoy depth was used for the reconstruction of 687 stones weighing about 640 000 kg. Work on the restoration of the monument was completed in 1886.

In 1904, the constable has been renovated, with the top twelve were replaced by rows of stone blocks, and in 1914 were carried out repairs of the parapet, while not used pudostskogo stone and sandstone.

During the Great Patriotic War obelisk badly damaged, most of the parapet was destroyed, broken stone at the base. After Gatchina was invaded by Nazi troops, instead of the copper ball, which was crowned with a monument, a swastika was hoisted, Roshal made at the plant, which was filmed in late January 1944, a few days after the liberation of the city.

Nowadays the monument and restored parapet, sometimes carried out preventive reconstruction.

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