Source Frantisek
   Photo: Source Frantisek

Frantiskovy Lazne offering its guests the healing water source 24, the most popular and oldest of which is the source Frantisek, located in the heart of the city. It was he who caused the organization of the Czech resort.

It is known that the inhabitants of the neighboring Cheb source Frantisek has been known for a long time. However, some of the disease have been treated with water from it, scientists do not know. The fact that the fire that destroyed Cheb in the XIII century, deprived us of any data about the source and Frantisek. But local archaeologists believe that this spring is known even Slavic tribes, the remains of the villages which were found during excavations.

Even before the official recognition of the healing qualities of the spring Frantisek near the source was a tank. The water in it brought in buckets. This involved women living in Cheb. Next to that water storage has a small hotel in which there was a special room with en suite. All wealthy residents Heba himself ordered the water in earthen vessels from the spring. They were filled immediately and sent porters to the specified address. In general, there was a well-established business, which brings a good income. Source strongly guarded against direct sunlight, which, according to local residents, might ruin the water, and from cattle that could contaminate their hooves spring. For this source fenced and built a wooden shelter over it.

In 1789, on a spring I found a great doctor and scientist Adler, who has studied the structure of water and insisted on building a more durable and reliable pavilion over them. Around the source named in honor of the monarch Franz I, beginning to emerge a new city now known as Franzensbad. The Emperor always patronized resort, has allocated funds for the construction of a source of copper roof, decorated with symbols of medicine.

About this spring you can see the statue of František - little boy holding a fish.

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