Apo Island
   Photo: Apo Island

Apo Island - a small volcanic island of 12 hectares, 30 km from the city of Dumaguete and 7 km from the southeastern tip of the island of Negros. It resides only about a thousand people.

The island, part of the Marine Reserve, has long won popularity among fans of diving and became one of the most popular dive sites in the world. In 2008, the authoritative magazine «Sport Diver Magazine» named Apo among the 100 most popular dive sites in the world. Its southern, northern and eastern coast is famous for its huge underwater walls, leaving a greater depth and abundance of exotic species. Here you can see tuna, bigeye trevally, Napoleon fish, hammerhead sharks and manta rays. One of the most popular marine life Apo is a clown fish that "nests" on soft corals. Total around Apo identified 15 points of interest for diving.

The length of the Apo - only 1, 5 km, width - about 1 kilometer. In the waters of the island there are more than 650 species of fish and 400 species of coral. During a visit to Apo and diving and snorkeling are charged a small fee, and all the money collected goes to fund the work of the reserve, created in 1982 through the efforts of scientists from Silliman University. At the origins of the Apo Reserve was Dr. Angel Alcala, who settled on the island in 1951. He was the author of a revolutionary idea at the time of the design of marine reserve around the islands of Apo and Sumilon to preserve their unique marine life. For many years, residents of the island, he explained the importance of rational use of natural resources, and what benefits they can get from this in the future.

Attraction of the island is a lighthouse, which stands on a small hill with a wonderful view of the island and the surrounding area. The road to the lighthouse from the village of Apo takes about half an hour. Near the lighthouse lived a few families is subsistence farming - they grow their own food, and collect rainwater for drinking.

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